Posts Tagged ‘L1’

Ontario Landlord and Tenant Board is OPEN!

Saturday, August 1st, 2020

After A Painfully Long Wait The Landlord & Tenant Board Is Open

Many small landlords have felt incredibly frustrated and rightfully angry as the Landlord and Tenant Board was closed for most cases such as non-payment of rent.

Most of us have full time or part time jobs that help us survive. Like others, we too suffered job losses, no school for our children, lock-downs and were worried about our loved ones being safe.

We also had our rental properties to deal with.

Small Ontario Landlords Finally Can Take Action Against Non-Paying Tenants

Ontario Landlord and Tenant Board Is Open

Here are the rules for the opening.

As of August 1st, 2020 the Landlord and Tenant Board Will:

(1) Begin to issue eviction orders that are already pending

(2) The LTB will begin to issue consent eviction orders that are based on tenants and landlords deciding to settle issues with an agreement.

(3) LTB will remain hearing ‘urgent’ matters that are related to health and safety issues that have already been scheduled.

(4) Begin to schedule hearings for non-urgent evictions.

(5) Start non-urgent hearings starting in the middle of August and into autumn.

As the LTB gradually re-opens it says it will make their services stronger:

(1) They will begin holding hearings by phone, video software and in writing

(2) The LTB is encouraging tenants and landlords to try to reach a settlement before applying for a hearing

(3) Using what are called “Case Management Hearings” for applications that don’t include rent owed

(4) Hiring and training more adjudicators

We will be watching what happens and encourage our members to share your feedback with us that we will share with the LTB and the Ministry.

Got Questions? Need Help?

With all the changes happening and after months of chaos we are here to help.

We have thousands of members and many very experienced and successful. This is why we exist…to help small landlords and get our message heard.

So instead of just complaining to each other about how unfair things are, or listening to people who aren’t successful, our members work to come up with winning landlord solutions.

And unlike people who don’t even own rental properties, we’ve got ‘skin in the game’ and find real world solutions because our incomes depend on it.

All for a one time registration fee that includes huge discounts on key services.

The Ontario Landlord and Tenant Board is Finally Re-Opening!

Make Sure You Know The Ropes And Run A Successful Rental Business By Running Credit Checks, Criminal Checks and Having A Network Of Successful Landlords On “Your Team”!

Bill 184 – The “Tenant Slaughter And Un-Protection Act”

Tuesday, July 21st, 2020

Disclaimer: “This isn’t an attack on landlords. This is an attack on the system that got us here.”

“Let’s make a payment plan. Let’s avoid the LTB, work together (tenant signs)….GOT YOU… Hahaha I can now evict you fast, you have no legal rights now! SUCKER! The Sheriff is coming now to kick you out!”

Tenants need to be aware of the huge challenges we are soon going to face!

While the Premier has acted all kind and cuddly (like that fat drunk uncle we all see during the holidays who laughs as he passes gas and then beats your aunt to bloody pulp when they get home) it’s only an act.

The reality is those of us who rightfully didn’t pay rent (or full rent) are being prepared for the slaughterhouse (legally)!

It’s called Bill 184 and you can bet it will soon be the law and the slaughter of tenants will begin.

The government will not forgive tenants not paying and instead are going to demand tenants agree to “payment plans” that bypass the legal process of going to the Landlord and Tenant Board for a legal Hearing (where tenants have rights and free legal help)

The NDP came up with a plan to help tenants cover rent by using government funds to help during the horrible pandemic.

Even some landlord groups such as the Ontario Landlords Association proposed this as a way for tenants and their landlords to avoid conflict and avoid evictions.

Lots of other industries have received government support, so why not residential tenants and their landlords?

No, that would have been too easy and too nice. Why be nice when they want a slaughter and I think they enjoy seeing us suffer!

Suze Morrison is an NDP MPP who wants to protect tenants. Morrison is very aware of the reality and the coming avalanche of mass evictions based on landlords legally being able to trick tenants into forfeiting our legal rights.

Thousands of tenants in Ontario are lying awake at night, worrying about losing the roof over their head when the province’s weak pause on the enforcement of evictions ends.

They wouldn’t be this position if Doug Ford had answered the NDP’s call to provide a rent subsidy to tenants who have lost income or their job due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but here we are.

As if this wasn’t bad enough, the Ford government has found a way to make things even worse.

Now, in the middle of the pandemic, the Conservatives are attempting to quietly ram through legislation that will make it easier for landlords to evict tenants.

Don’t be fooled by the name of the legislation. Bill 184, the Protecting Tenants and Strengthening Community Housing Act, is bad for tenants.

Tenants already faced an uphill battle at the Landlord and Tenant Board, squaring off against often deep-pocketed landlords and their high-priced lawyers. If passed, Ford’s eviction bill will leave tenants with fewer defences to avail themselves of and fewer opportunities to plead their case.

Consider the case of a landlord who refuses to fix a malfunctioning radiator in a tenant’s unit. If the tenant withholds their rent, the landlord can haul them in front of the Landlord and Tenant Board.

Under Bill 184, the tenant may be prevented from pointing out other issues, like the landlord’s failure to maintain the unit in a good state of repair, at the hearing on non-payment of rent.

Bill 184 also takes away a tenant’s right to return to the Landlord and Tenant Board if they miss a payment after coming up with a repayment plan to catch up on back rent. This is especially concerning in the context of the pandemic.

Thousands of tenants in Ontario will be trying to catch up on back rent after losing their income or job. What if they feel pressured to accept a repayment plan and fall behind on payments despite their best efforts? What if their financial circumstances change because there’s a second wave of COVID-19?

Under Bill 184, there’s no opportunity to revisit the repayment plan at the Landlord and Tenant Board. Tenants could find a sheriff knocking on their door, ready to enforce their eviction, the second they miss a payment.

The Ford government can claim that its eviction bill is about “protecting tenants” all it wants. But even Steve Clark, the minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, admits that the legislation is about moving things along at the Landlord and Tenant Board when the government switches the lights back on.

In this very paper, he wrote: “We know that when regular hearings resume at the LTB, there will be a backlog of cases requiring resolution. That’s why this legislation is important today — in light of COVID-19.”

Yes, there will be a backlog of cases. The enforcement of evictions may be on hold for now, but that hasn’t stopped landlords from threatening tenants with eviction — even for partial rent payments.

And what is the Ford government doing with thousands of evictions on the horizon in Ontario? Instead of helping tenants keep up with rent, and in turn ensuring landlords get paid, the government is greasing the gears of the Landlord and Tenant Board to speed up evictions.

Tenants deserve better than a government that claims it’s protecting them when it’s really making them more vulnerable to losing the roof over their heads.

It’s time for the Ford government to scrap its plan to make evictions easier and step up with rent relief to help see tenants through the economic pain of COVID-19.

“N4” Eviction Notice Does NOT Mean You Have To Move Out

Tuesday, April 21st, 2020

Disclaimer: “This isn’t an attack on landlords. This is an attack on the system that got us here.”

Landlords Are Scheming To Intimidate Tenants And Pressure Us To Give Up Our Legal Rights!

May 1st is quickly approaching and renters are under even more pressure to make rent due to the Covid 19 pandemic.

A loophole in Ontario’s eviction ban means landlords can still threaten tenants with eviction notices, leading some renters to vacate their homes in the middle of this life threatening pandemic.

The Ontario government banned new eviction orders last month, with Premier Doug Ford promising “no one will be kicked out of their home or their rental apartments based on not being able to pay the rent.”

But the government later stated landlords can still serve renters an “eviction notice,” even though “eviction hearings and orders are on hold.”

So while landlords can’t evict you, and there the Landlord and Tenant Board is closed and landlords cannot even get a Hearing to “try” to evict you, they are still trying.

And many are using unethical dirty tricks to make you leave your home (illegally) in these trying times!

Property Management companies like Berkley Inc. and Westbury Rentals have sent out N4s.  

And small landlords who often act so pure and innocent (“we were tenants too“) are the worst offenders in trying to trick and intimidate tenants.

Tenants Need To Know:

-An eviction notice is NOT an eviction order.

-You do NOT have to leave your unit if you receive an N4 from your landlord.
-ONLY the LTB has the power to evict you.

Landlords Have No Power…They Want To Trick You To Pay

ictions Are Illegal. You Don’t Have To Pay Rent! They Are Trying To Trick .
Small landlords keep trying to trick tenants.
In most cases, experts say, the evictions are illegal, since landlords are required to go through the courts to evict tenants, and most courts are not currently processing eviction orders.
And the courts (LTB) are closed.  Landlords are trying to deceive you.
An Eviction Notice Doesn’t Mean You Have To Move Out!
In Ontario this “N4” is toothless and powerless.
You can even use it against your landlord.
But that is for another helpful post!

Update On The Landlord & Tenant Board

Wednesday, April 15th, 2020

Important Notice For Ontario Landlords

The Landlord and Tenant Board is not accepting in-person submission of documents. To confirm alternative options to submit documents, email or call 1 888 332-3234 or 416 645-8080. For TTY relay service, dial 1 800 855-0511..

April 16, 2020
ServiceOntario Centres are limiting the intake of Landlord and Tenant Board applications to the following circumstances:

  • the application represents an emergency situation
  • the applicant has no access to a computer
  • the applicant’s only option for payment is by cash, certified cheque, or money order
  • other limitations to applicant’s alternate filing options.

Please visit ServiceOntario Centres for a list of locations that accept applications and documents on behalf of the LTB.

Most LTB applications can be submitted via e-file. If you can’t use e-file, send your application by mail or fax to your LTB regional office.

Ontario Landlords Association On The Front Page Of The Toronto Star: Discrimination Is Unacceptable

Sunday, June 30th, 2013


Ontario Landlords Association Defends Good Landlords And Pushes Education To Improve the Ontario Rental Industry 

There is an important story that every small residential landlord should read.  It’s in the Toronto Star which you can read here. 

It’s a story about discrimination based on some ones colour.  It’s not unfair and ridiculous, it’s illegal in Ontario

An Ideal Potential Tenant.

It’s about what experienced and successful landlords would consider and ideal tenant!  Her name is ann Why Would Any Landlord Not Rent To Her?  She Seems Like A Perfect Tenant  Human Rights Code Ontario Landlords Association Members Fight Against Discrimination

Ontario the Landlord and Tenant Board’s role is to provide information about the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA) and to resolve disputes between most residential landlords and tenants. 

Many small residential landlords have experienced frustration when going to the Landlord and Tenant Board. Thousands of emails and thousands of OLA members have made it clear things need to change.

It can be a complicated and intimidating process for small landlords.  It can be especially stressful as tenants in Ontario can get free legal help at Hearings.

With legal reps for landlords charging up to thousands of dollars with no guarantees and often unsatisfactory results, more and more landlords are choosing to represent themselves at the LTB.

We know because the emails keep pouring in regarding landlords who paid thousands and are extremely unhappy!

This is why we are pleased that as part of its ongoing efforts to improve service, the Board has introduced changes to some of its processes and the forms and Rules of Practice that support those processes.

Earlier in 2013 the Board posted draft versions of the revised L1 / L9 Information as of the Hearing Day form and a new Rule, Rule 33 – The L1/L9 Information as of the Hearing Day Form for public review and feedback.

Based on the comments received, the Landlord and Tenant Board has finalized the form, and finalized the Rule.

The good news is the form can now be easily completed online compared to the complications of the previous one.

Click here to access the L1 / L9 Information as of the Hearing Day Form.

Click here to access Rule 33 – The L1 / L9 Information as of the Hearing Day Form.

Make Your Voice Heard

The Landlord and Tenant Board says they thank everyone who provided comments on the L1/L9 process and the update form.

We know many of our members participated in providing these comments.

The result – a better system that particularly helps small landlords new to the process.

Let’s keep making sure our voices are heard.

The people who run the system need to know the challenges small residential landlords face. We have a new Premier who has proven she listens and invites us to talk more.

Let’s keep communicating our message and change the system to encourage more investment in safe and affordable rental housing in Ontario.

Whether your are a landlord in Barrie, Toronto, Ottawa or anywhere in Ontario let’s continue to let people know it’s important to support small landlords who risk a lot to provide safe and affordable rental housing all over Ontario!