My Landlord Cooperated With Me
These are difficult times for everyone. So many people are out of work and many have even been fired from their jobs!
The pandemic has changed the world and has hurt so many people.
And with all the schools closed many parents have to try to educate and entertain our children. This is especially tough when we can’t go to parks or playgrounds.
Landlords And Tenants And Paying Rent
As a long term tenant I have paid my rent according to the lease with my landlord all the time.
Now things have changed, the economy has changed, the whole world has changed due to the Corona Virus.
Economic Challenges
We tenants have lost hours, lost jobs, and even lost hope. This is a unique situation we have never seen before.
So How Should Tenants Deal With Their Landlord?
It’s all about being upfront and honest and working together.
Inform Your Landlord Of Your Predicament
Be open and honest with your small landlords because they will care and understand the challenges you face.
Most small landlords are nice people…they don’t want you to move (at least in my case). And they are willing to listen. And they are often flexible to reach a win-win situation.
Also, they don’t want to try to find a new tenant to replace you if possible. They want you to stay and hope you are willing to work with them.
See Things From The Landlords Point of View And Ask Them To See Things From Your Point Of View
Most small landlords are not like the rich corporate landlords living in their castles. They want you to stay and be their client.
They also know that finding another good paying tenant in the current environment will be very difficult and would prefer you to stay.
So it’s entirely possible to ‘work things out’.

Work Out A Payment Plan
I worked out a fair payment plan with my landlords.
Since I only get $2000/month from CERB and my rent is $900/month we agreed I would pay $500/month and I would catch up when the pandemic is over and I can get back to work.
This allows me to have confidence I will keep my home and also gives me $1500 for other things I need in life (and I still don’t need to dip into my savings!)
Working Together…Works!
View your small landlord as a partner in this whole crazy mess of a world.
Your small landlord likely rented themselves or have friends or kids renting so they are on your side. They might even be helping their kids or relative or friend who is renting deal with this situation.
Working Class Tenants Working With Working Class Landlords is Key
Many working class landlords aren’t rich and have bills to pay. They are usually pretty kind and flexible and if you be polite and tell them you want to work things out they will do it.
Make sure you rent from a small working class landlord because you can talk to each other and prepare win-win plans.
Stay Safe and Let’s All Work Together