Posts Tagged ‘evictions’

Ontario Landlord Tenant Criminal Checks – Take Your Tenant Screening System To the Next Level!

Tuesday, July 28th, 2020

Ontario landlords criminal checks

With So Many Problems From A Small Group of Bad Tenants Out There More Landlords Are Using Criminal Checks to Protect Their Rental Properties…And Now You Can Too For a Discounted Price!

Ontario landlords are excited about how many great tenants are out there.  These are tenants who pay their rent on time and respect both the rental property and their landlord in a mature and professional manner. 

Many Ontario landlords have faced problems with their tenants during the Covid-19 pandemic. It’s now more important than ever to protect yourself and your property!

Take Your Tenant Screening System To A Higher Level (Not Just Credit Checks, Social Media and References)

It’s time to make sure you run criminal background checks on your potential tenants. And you can now do so with our Protection membership.

The Ontario Landlords Association has brought forth a revolution in tenant screening over the past decade. 

Experienced and successful landlords in our community were the ones who educated others on the importance of screening your tenants very carefully.  Before we came along there was very little talk about landlord issues and few Ontario landlords even knew they could run credit checks on tenants (and why they should run them).

With so many good people looking for a place to ‘call home’ and rent from you, it is essential that small landlords avoid the professional tenants out there.

These professional tenants know how to manipulate the system and can lead small landlords to not only sleepless nights, but to financial ruin.

Professional Tenants Hurt Good Tenants, Not Only Their Landlord

These types of people who make leave huge damages and owed rent behind not only hurt the landlord, it hurts good tenants who are looking for a nice rental property. Landlords who face huge financial losses often leave the industry.  Or they will raise rents to help pay for the repair costs.

Sadly, we continue to see some landlords not being careful and being ripped off by these professional tenants.

Windsor Landlords Fed Up With Bad Tenants Now Looking At Criminal Checks As Part Of Their Tenant Screening System

After dealing with unpaid rent, destroyed rental apartments and a long process to even try to get paid money that is owed some Windsor landlords are saying they will make their tenant screening system even tighter. 

According to a CBC report a property manager has had enough of professional tenants causing huge financial hardship on small landlords.

Huge Challenges For Ontario Landlords

Already small landlords aren’t making huge profits and many are just breaking even (and some even cash-flow negative). 

So if you aren’t super careful and rent to a tenant who doesn’t pay rent, causes damages, or causes problems with the landlord or other tenants in the property it can lead to huge headaches.

Tenant Leaves Behind Huge, Expensive Damages

The Windsor property manager said one of the biggest problems he faces it from renters who leave behind huge messes to clean up. 

Tenant Was a Drug Addict, Leaving 200 Syringes In the Rental

When one Windsor tenant moved out he made sure to leave a mess behind.  This time it was more then two hundred syringes all over the floors.

Used syringes

Over 200 hundred syringes were left behind, and it got even worse!

Windsor Landlord Will Now Begin Running Criminal Checks

According to property manager Morawetz after so many tenant problems he wants to “take things a step further.” He says in order to protect rental properties he and lots of other landlords will be “tightening up” their tenant screening criteria “to a level never seen before.” 

Make Sure You Follow The Ontario Human Rights Code On Screening At All Times

According to the CBC news report running criminal record checks in some circumstances may be considered discriminatory….but in other circumstances “it might make sense” The report uses an example where a single mom is wants to rent out a room in her house and making sure all the applicants interested require a criminal check could be reasonable because of concerns for her and her family’s safety. 

And the Human Rights Commission states that: 4.2.9  Criminal or other police record checks, Nothing in section 21(3) of the Code or Regulation 290/98 permits the use of criminal or other police record check in the context of rental housing.

Of course, landlords must get permission before running a criminal check and if you have any questions contact the OHRC to make sure you are doing the right thing.

Ontario landlords criminal check on tenants

Ontario Landlords Can Now Begin Running Premium Criminal Checks on Tenants

Join our community and get the tools you need to succeed.  This now includes CRIMINAL CHECKS at a great low price with our ONTARIO LANDLORD PROTECTION MEMBERSHIP.

We Are Proud To Be Partners With TRITON

Triton is the leading background company in Canada.

Regular criminal check price: $59.00/check + $75.00 set up charge

Ontario Landlord Member Price: $24.95 and no set up charge

And it’s all for only a one time fee (no annual fee). We landlords just like you and we know how tight the budgets are for many Ontario Landlords and this is why we want to keep your costs down for the best services out there.

Ontario Landlord Tenant Criminal Checks – Become a PROTECTION Member And You Can Add Criminal Checks To Your Tenant Screening System For A Huge Discount!

ODSP Recipient Tenants Struggling To Survive Pandemic

Thursday, May 21st, 2020

OLA Member Small Landlords Working Together With Our Tenants In These Challenging Times

Many people mistakenly think all tenants receive CERB (Canada Emergency Response Benefit) equaling $2000.00 per month. This leads some landlords to create their payment plans based on this.

Recently there was an important report on Citynews called “ODSP recipients struggling to survive pandemic”. This has helped us educate landlords and created a flurry of discussion amongst our members.

-According to the report, tenants on ODSP get less than $1200.00 per month.

-Also, ODSP recipients are not eligible for the CERB ($2000.00/mo) and can be punished with claw-back of benefits if they apply.

-People are being left destitute with less than $50/week to feed themselves.

Let’s Get The Message Out

For over a decade the Ontario Landlords Association has always been about good landlords working together with good tenants for a win-win situation (or survival-survival situations during these challenging times). 

Our members are working class people. These include carpenters, nurses, teachers, entrepreneurs, health care workers, police officers, fire-fighters, plumbers, seniors and others. We have invested to try to create some monthly cash-flow and prepare for their retirement.

Our members don’t live in mansions (and many of our members rent out their basements).

1. Landlords Make Sure You Are Aware Of The Real Challenges Your Tenants Face

Many of our members rent to ODSP recipients. Make sure you are aware of the financial reality your tenants face.

Talk with your tenants, work things out, understand each others concerns.  Create a realistic payment or deferral plan based on real data.

2. The Provincial Government Needs To Help Tenants On ODSP 

The provincial government needs to step up and help out ODSP recipients pay rent.

The Premier and the Minister Of Housing are aware of the challenges small residential landlords and tenants face and already reached out to the federal government (which refused to help).

With rising food and medical costs, tenants on ODSP need help from the province.

Landlords are helping but many small landlords need rent to survive and are struggling as well.

We don’t want to evict anyone (it’s the last resort) and many of us have strong, friendly relationships with our tenants.

We don’t hire property managers or lawyers to intimidate tenants. What we do is call and chat and try to work things out.

3. It’s time for an emergency “rent grant” to all tenants on ODSP or OW from the province

Small landlords aren’t rich and we have limits. We need the province to setp up to the plate.

The logistics of this will not be difficult. The province of British Columbia is already helping all tenants by paying landlords up to $500 per month to help cover tenant rent.

Let’s Stop Evictions…Here’s The Solution

Recipients on ODSP or OW can access a “rent grant” that will cover their rent for the next 6 months (which will be renewed if we are still in lock-down)

This payment will be sent to the landlord directly and the landlord will agree not to file for eviction.

Boom goes the dynamite – most evictions will be cancelled!

4. Let’s Extend This To All Residential Tenants in Ontario

-Want to avoid landlord-tenant conflict?

-Want to make sure their is no tsunami of evictions when the Landlord and Tenant Board eventually opens?

The province can easily step in and help tenants. If the government helps commercial landlords and tenants, why not help residential landlords and tenants?

The Province Needs To Help Tenants And Stop Putting The Financial Burden On Struggling Small Landlords Creating Unnecessary Conflict With Our Tenants

Airlines are getting a bail-out. Commercial landlords are getting a bail out.

What about tenants?

We need government to play a role and stop pitting landlords vs. tenants.

If this is too expensive, make the “Rent Grant” available to only tenants who are on ODSP, OW, rent from small landlords. 

We think this rent grant should go to all tenants but if there are true budget constraints at least help out tenants on ODSP, OW, and tenants who rent from small landlords.

This will make corporate lobbyists angry. But those billion dollar REITS aren’t worried about being able to pay their property taxes in June like many small landlords are.

And while these corporate landlords can spend a lot of money to politicians, they are not the same as hundreds of thousands of voters who thought they were getting a pro-business leadership.

THIS CAN HAPPEN: No Evictions, Small Landlords Secure, Tenants Secure, And We Are A Team During This Pandemic…It’s Easy To Do!

Ontario can lead  the way and be a role-model for the rest of Canada.

If millions of dollars can be invested on widening highways, money can surely be spent on saving the residential rental industry in Ontario.

…and saving hundreds of thousands of working class landlords and tenants from stress, conflict, trial dates, evictions…and worse.

Landlord Tenant Board In-Person Hearings Suspended

Saturday, March 14th, 2020

Important News For Landlords: In-Person Hearings Are Cancelled. What About Landlords Who Are Owed Rent Or Need To Evict A Bad Tenant?

According to provincial government, as the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve, Tribunals Ontario is taking action to safeguard the health and well-being of front-line workers and Ontarians, while continuing to ensure access to justice.

Effective today (March 13, 2020), Tribunals Ontario is implementing a new policy to postpone in-person hearings and reschedule to a later date. Where feasible, alternative hearing options such as written and telephone hearings will be considered to minimize disruption to hearings across the organization. In addition, all front-line counter services will be closed as of Monday March 16 until further notice.

Tribunals Ontario will continue to provide accommodation for people who have needs related to any of the grounds listed in the Human Rights Code.

Impacted individuals with upcoming hearing dates will be notified by staff via email to make the necessary arrangements. Parties should contact their tribunal or board for more information on the new policy.

In addition, we are requesting Ontarians to not attend to any tribunal or board location in-person if they have been advised by Public Health, their doctor or the Ministry of Health website to self-isolate due to possible exposure to the coronavirus (COVID-19).

Tribunals Ontario is monitoring COVID-19 developments and will update our policy based on advice from the Ministry of Health, Chief Medical Officer of Health and public health officials to protect Ontarians.

For more information contact the Ontario Landlord and Tenant Board.

Contact Your Local Legal Aid Clinic For Help Against Your Bad Landlord

Saturday, September 21st, 2019

Thanks To Justin Trudeau You Can Get Free Legal Help To Fight Your Bad Landlord!

You Can Use This Free Service To Intimidate & Even BANKRUPT Bad Landlords!

You NEED To Get Free Legal Help! (Yes, Free!)

Often tenants think we are alone and feel helpless.  After all, many of us work long hours or rely on diminishing government assistance to keep food on the table.

Life for us hard-working honest tenants is a constant struggle just to survive!

Many tenants also have young kids and anyone who has brought up children knows how stressful this is. Unlike the rich landlords, we can’t use the rent money to hire nannies, cooks, cleaners and buy the most expensive toys.

So when you have a bully landlord causing you trouble many tenants feel like we are in a “black hole”.

We get depressed, we feel ill and it’s all about a sense of powerlessness.

While your Ferrari owning or $100,000 SUV driving landlord can use our rent to hire lawyers, we feel we are on our own. And life is tough enough without dealing with some rich bully landlord.

While landlords are enjoying our rent money, many tenants are struggling to survive.

Cheer Up and Be Energized! There Is Help Out There For You!

The pro-landlord right wing conservative media such as the CBC and Toronto Star will never write about ways tenants can get help and justice.


Because they rely on the revenue of advertisements to the “landlord class” to make money.

This is why you see so many ads for expensive vacations to Europe or the Caribbean, ads for expensive cars, and ads for expensive law firms…all directed to the rich “landlord class”.

These landlords are the people who really run our country.  And their source of money is the working class like us paying them rent!

But There Is Help…(and it’s free!)

Fortunately there is help out there. Only most tenants don’t even know about it!

We are too over-worked, too stressed, too tired, and too indoctrinated to even believe such help exists.

But Help Does Exist Thanks to Legal Aid Clinics Across Ontario!

The evil Ford government cut funding to legal aid centers.  These are centers that provide free legal help to people who need protection.

For example, new refugees, women who have been victims of domestic abuse, and most important is tenants.

Ford is controlled by the landlords. So he wanted to shut down the ways poor tenants trying to survive can fight back. The landlords like the OLA pushed Ford to do this!

Justin Trudeau Came To Our Rescue!

The devious Ford gov’t cut legal aid as the Corporate landlords and Ontario Landlords Association told them to do!

This would have stopped refugees and tenants from being able to get help. The was the plan by the OLA and the huge globalist corporate landlords. Without legal aid, tenants could easily be bullied and intimidated.

Thanks to Justin Trudeau our amazing Prime Minister (great hair!) the federal government gave full funding to the legal aid clinics in Ontario!

Contact Your Local Legal Aid Clinic For Free Legal Help

They have amazing trained professionals lawyers and paralegals who will help you. They are very experienced and on your side!

Find your local legal clinic here.

Tenant Duty Counsel Program

This is free legal help specifically for landlord/Tenant matters.

The government provides free legal help to ALL tenants (rich or poor) at the Landlord and Tenant Board Tribunals.

Even if you make $1,000,000/year and drive a Ferrari you get free legal help…but you need to come to your Landlord and Tenant Board Hearing early and get the free help you are entitled to.

This is great because it means the program is non-discriminatory and not based on income. It’s really fair.

Tenant Duty Counsel

The Tenant Duty Counsel Program (TDCP) is a program of ACTO, funded by Legal Aid Ontario.  ACTO funds 30 legal clinics across the province to provide TDCP services. The TDCP is a walk-in service available at locations across Ontario where the Landlord and Tenant Board hold their hearings.

TDCP staff provide advice, legal assistance, resources and referrals to unrepresented tenants on the day of their hearing at the Landlord and Tenant Board. Priority is given to tenants facing eviction.

TDCP staff also provide advice to tenants who have been illegally locked out or who have sheriff notices or eviction orders.

If you have a problem with your landlord, you may need legal help before there is a Landlord and Tenant Board hearing. For low-income tenants, this help is provided by community legal clinics, located in each major town or city. Find your legal clinic.

You Can Bankrupt Your Bad Landlord And Make Them Back Down (and even beg for mercy)

We Tenants can get free legal help but the landlords can’t!

They have to pay huge money to “defend” against our “free” legal aid help.

Many times the landlord is  paying thousands of dollars to a paralegal or lawyer and will just back down and give you what we want to avoid paying even more thousands of dollars to lawyers and paralegals who will take their money (guaranteed) but won’t refund them if they don’t win and don’t “terminate” the tenants. 

The legal reps for landlords love getting paid from landlords in trouble. So use this against them. You get free legal help, and every day the legal battle goes on your landlord loses money.


It’s Time For Tenants To Get Aggressive And Fight Back

Let’s make this clear: Good landlords have have nothing to worry about.

But tenants dealing with bad landlords need to keep in regular contact with your local legal aid clinic. They are there to help you…and you will win!

Tenants Need To Fight Back And You Will Win!

Many tenants get depressed and feel everything is hopeless as your landlord doesn’t fix things and takes your rent money to buy drugs and fancy new cars and Bahama vacations.

Thank You Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Who Feels Our Pain. As Someone Who Worked As A Teacher & Bouncer He Is Working Class Like Us! PM Trudeau Believes We Are All Equal And Deserve Fairness!

Justin fights for people in need.  And Justin has just made sure Tenants can continue to get free legal help to fight bad landlords. Good landlords have nothing to worry about, just treat us like 5 star clients.

How Can Ontario Landlords Protect Ourselves Against Tenants Smoking Marijuana and Growing Plants?

Tuesday, October 16th, 2018

  Experienced and Successful Landlords and Property Managers Have Created A Comprehensive CD Filled With Strategies and “LANDLORD TIPS AND TRICKS” To Help You Deal With Tenants Who Smoke And Grow Weed In Your Property

Combine Access To This Comprehensive CD Along With Networking With Experienced Landlords and Property Managers In Our Private Members Forum To Protect Your Rental Business!

Legal marijuana has arrived as of October 17, 2018. This will have a huge impact on residential landlords.

How will you deal with it?

As an Ontario-wide landlord community, we have come together to help you and other landlords and residential property investors. After all, we are important stake-holders in the province and we are an important provider of high quality rental properties.

While many Ontario landlords have no moral or ethical concerns about making weed legal, we do have huge concerns how it will impact our rental properties and their bottom lines. The reality is many landlords and property investors are worried and looking for guidance and advice.

Landlords should be worried.

We are entering a whole new paradigm filled with uncertainty. If you are an Ontario landlord, your rental business is now filled with challenges and a bigger risk of huge problems and financial losses than ever before. 

Tenants Smoking Weed In Your Rental Property

Marijuana is now legal and tenants can smoke in your rental. How can you protect yourself? What are your options?

Tenants Growing Marijuana Plants in Your Rental Property

Tenants can now legally grow up to 4 plants in your rental. And as one landlord wrote on the Ontario landlord forums “I never touched marijuana in my life and thought the plants would be small like tomato plants…but they can be huge!”

Tenants Marijuana Smoke Causing Issues For Other Tenants

If you own a multi-unit property what can you do if one tenant smokes and bothers other tenants? The smoking tenants says “it’s legal” and the other tenants say “do something or we are all moving and taking you to the LTB to pay for our moving costs!”

What if you rent your basement and you smell weed smoke coming through your vents? What if you have young kids?

Huge Clean Up Costs

Many good tenants are sensitive to smoke and won’t rent a place where they smell it. Just dealing with tobacco smoke clean up can be expensive. But cleaning up marijuana smoke when a tenant leaves can end up costing you thousands of dollars.

Safety Issues

Growing marijuana plants could mean your growing renter might be creating mold and other dangers in your rental property. What should you do?

Insurance Issues

If your tenants are smoking or growing it could waive your insurance policy. 

Even If You Have a No Smoking Clause, What Happens If they Still Light Up?

If you say no smoking and the tenant lights up anyway the Ontario eviction process can take 6-8 months (or more). So during the time you are just waiting for the Hearing they can continue smoking.

No Smoking Clauses Don’t Mean “No Growing”

Even if you have a no smoking clause how many people out there have anything regarding growing plants? This means your tenants can grow, legally.

Other Provinces Have Made Changes To Help Landlords, Ontario Has Not

Many Canadian provinces moved quickly to protect landlords and investors and their rental industries.

For example, the province of Saskatchewan prohibited marijuana smoking in rentals and forced all tenants to sign new leases to allow landlords and investors to protect their rental properties.

In New Brunswick new rules allow landlords to amend their leases to prevent the smoking and growing of weed in their rentals.

Protect Your Rental Business Experienced and successful Ontario

We have worked hard to let the Ministry and the province to educate them why Ontario landlords need to be protected. We made it clear we need at least the same protection other provinces have provided for their landlords and residential property investors.

Several of our members were told “we appreciate your hard work and the concerns of your community …the situation is being monitored” and if there is “evidence of a major problem changes will be considered. Keep us informed.”

What this means is Ontario landlords are getting no help now and need to protect our investments from the government.

We are on our own!

Protect Your Ontario Rental Business!

Landlords and property managers have created a comprehensive CD to help you protect your Ontario rentals.  These are people have dealt with tobacco smoking issues and marijuana issues in the past and are ready for the new challenge of legal cannabis. 

They have also added lots of “Landlord Tips and Tricks” that only real professionals know about due to years of experience and ‘skin in the game’. 

With over an hour of information this comprehensive CD is filled with information to help you avoid problems and help you fix any problems that might arise. It’s written by experts with ‘skin in the game’ because we all own rentals ourselves!

Combine this with access to our Private Members Forum to protect your rental business and succeed!