With So Many Problems From A Small Group of Bad Tenants Out There More Landlords Are Using Criminal Checks to Protect Their Rental Properties…And Now You Can Too For a Discounted Price!
Ontario landlords are excited about how many great tenants are out there. These are tenants who pay their rent on time and respect both the rental property and their landlord in a mature and professional manner.
Many Ontario landlords have faced problems with their tenants during the Covid-19 pandemic. It’s now more important than ever to protect yourself and your property!
Take Your Tenant Screening System To A Higher Level (Not Just Credit Checks, Social Media and References)
It’s time to make sure you run criminal background checks on your potential tenants. And you can now do so with our Protection membership.
The Ontario Landlords Association has brought forth a revolution in tenant screening over the past decade.
Experienced and successful landlords in our community were the ones who educated others on the importance of screening your tenants very carefully. Before we came along there was very little talk about landlord issues and few Ontario landlords even knew they could run credit checks on tenants (and why they should run them).
With so many good people looking for a place to ‘call home’ and rent from you, it is essential that small landlords avoid the professional tenants out there.
These professional tenants know how to manipulate the system and can lead small landlords to not only sleepless nights, but to financial ruin.
Professional Tenants Hurt Good Tenants, Not Only Their Landlord
These types of people who make leave huge damages and owed rent behind not only hurt the landlord, it hurts good tenants who are looking for a nice rental property. Landlords who face huge financial losses often leave the industry. Or they will raise rents to help pay for the repair costs.
Sadly, we continue to see some landlords not being careful and being ripped off by these professional tenants.
Windsor Landlords Fed Up With Bad Tenants Now Looking At Criminal Checks As Part Of Their Tenant Screening System
After dealing with unpaid rent, destroyed rental apartments and a long process to even try to get paid money that is owed some Windsor landlords are saying they will make their tenant screening system even tighter.
According to a CBC report a property manager has had enough of professional tenants causing huge financial hardship on small landlords.
Huge Challenges For Ontario Landlords
Already small landlords aren’t making huge profits and many are just breaking even (and some even cash-flow negative).
So if you aren’t super careful and rent to a tenant who doesn’t pay rent, causes damages, or causes problems with the landlord or other tenants in the property it can lead to huge headaches.
Tenant Leaves Behind Huge, Expensive Damages
The Windsor property manager said one of the biggest problems he faces it from renters who leave behind huge messes to clean up.
Tenant Was a Drug Addict, Leaving 200 Syringes In the Rental
When one Windsor tenant moved out he made sure to leave a mess behind. This time it was more then two hundred syringes all over the floors.
Over 200 hundred syringes were left behind, and it got even worse!
Windsor Landlord Will Now Begin Running Criminal Checks
According to property manager Morawetz after so many tenant problems he wants to “take things a step further.” He says in order to protect rental properties he and lots of other landlords will be “tightening up” their tenant screening criteria “to a level never seen before.”
Make Sure You Follow The Ontario Human Rights Code On Screening At All Times
According to the CBC news report running criminal record checks in some circumstances may be considered discriminatory….but in other circumstances “it might make sense” The report uses an example where a single mom is wants to rent out a room in her house and making sure all the applicants interested require a criminal check could be reasonable because of concerns for her and her family’s safety.
And the Human Rights Commission states that: 4.2.9 Criminal or other police record checks, Nothing in section 21(3) of the Code or Regulation 290/98 permits the use of criminal or other police record check in the context of rental housing.
Of course, landlords must get permission before running a criminal check and if you have any questions contact the OHRC to make sure you are doing the right thing.
Ontario Landlords Can Now Begin Running Premium Criminal Checks on Tenants
Join our community and get the tools you need to succeed. This now includes CRIMINAL CHECKS at a great low price with our ONTARIO LANDLORD PROTECTION MEMBERSHIP.
We Are Proud To Be Partners With TRITON
Triton is the leading background company in Canada.
Regular criminal check price: $59.00/check + $75.00 set up charge
Ontario Landlord Member Price: $24.95 and no set up charge
And it’s all for only a one time fee (no annual fee). We landlords just like you and we know how tight the budgets are for many Ontario Landlords and this is why we want to keep your costs down for the best services out there.
Ontario Landlord Tenant Criminal Checks – Become a PROTECTION Member And You Can Add Criminal Checks To Your Tenant Screening System For A Huge Discount!