Archive for the ‘Ontario Landlord And Tenant Board’ Category

It’s Not “Lobbying” – LTB Asking For Landlord/Tenant Feedback From Our Community Members – Be A Pro Landlord & Keep Aware Of The Latest Changes

Saturday, July 15th, 2023


TO:                 Landlord and Tenant Board Stakeholders

FROM:           Ian Speers, Associate Chair

                         Lindiwe Bridgewater, Acting Registrar

DATE:            July 2023

RE:                  LTB Updates

We are writing to inform you about LTB updates to our forms, information about the new Videoconference User Feedback Survey and a reminder about email consolidation.

Forms Update:

These updates will help simplify the process and allow us to action certain requests more quickly.

Advance Resolution Request (ARR)

We have removed the Advance Resolution Request (ARR) section on our website and replaced it with a section called: Resolving Matters Without a Hearing.  The ARR form has been replaced with two forms,

  1. Request to Withdraw an Application This form can be used by the applicant if they want to withdraw the application.
  1. Request for a Discontinuance Order Without a Hearing Where the tenant has paid, in full, all arrears and the application fee, the applicant can file this form to request that the application be discontinued.  An L1/L9 update sheet is no longer required (and should not be provided) in support of a request for a discontinuance order. Instead, the applicant makes a declaration and completes a draft order for the Board to review for issuance.

Parties seeking a consent order under section 206 should upload the  Payment Agreement Form as a document type in the portal.  There is no longer a need to also use the ARR form.

As a transition measure, the LTB will continue to accept the current ARR forms until September 30, 2023, after which, any ARR forms submitted will be returned and the applicant will be directed to complete one of the two new forms as appropriate.

Issues a Tenant Intends to Raise at a Rent Arrears Hearing

The LTB has updated the Issues a Tenant Intends to Raise at a Rent Arrears Hearing form to include L10 applications.

Videoconference User Feedback Survey

The LTB has implemented a Videoconference User Feedback Survey for proceedings held on Zoom.

The survey, which is in place at all tribunals within Tribunals Ontario, asks hearing participants for feedback related to their technical experience using Zoom.

At the end of each hearing, or any proceeding on Zoom, participants will receive a pop-up message that asks if they want to complete the survey. If they want to participate, they will be redirected to a Tribunals Ontario webpage where they can complete the survey in either French or English. The survey is anonymous.

We note the survey is aimed at those participating in a Zoom hearing by video. Those participating by phone will not receive the survey link. We are currently working on a process for distributing a survey to those participating by phone.

The survey will provide valuable insight and will help Tribunals Ontario and the LTB improve the videoconference experience for those who come before our tribunal.

Email Consolidation

As reminder, effective July 10, 2023, the Landlord and Tenant Board regional email office addresses are no longer accepting emails. Parties can use to contact the LTB for file-specific inquiries or requests. An operational update will be added to our website on July 10 with more details.


Ian Speers                                                   Lindiwe Bridgewater

Associate Chair                                           Acting Registrar

LTB Update – Email Consolidation

Wednesday, May 3rd, 2023

TO:                 Landlord and Tenant Board Stakeholders

FROM:           Ian Speers, Associate Chair

                       Lindiwe Bridgewater, Acting Registrar

DATE:            May 1, 2023 

RE:                LTB Update – Email Consolidation

We are writing to inform you about our plan to consolidate all regional email addresses into one centralized email address.

This initiative will help us to modernize operations and improve our service delivery standards. It will enable the LTB to streamline processes and to respond to inquiries in a more efficient manner, including ensuring that urgent submissions and file-specific inquiries are properly prioritized. This will also help minimize confusion among parties about which email address to use when contacting the LTB.

Effective July 10, 2023, parties can use  to contact the LTB. Emails sent to the regional email addresses on or after July 10, 2023, will receive an email bounce-back advising them that their email has not been received by the LTB and directing them to resend their email to

We continue to encourage users to use the Tribunals Ontario Portal to upload evidence and submissions for their LTB file or to submit requests instead of using email. Using the portal will ensure your casefile is updated in real time and allows the LTB to address your requests in a timely way.

If you have any questions, please contact


Ian Speers                                   Lindiwe Bridgewater

Associate Chair                          Acting Registrar

The Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) is working towards implementing Zoom’s videoconference platform to conduct proceedings

Sunday, March 7th, 2021

The Ontario Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) is working hard to improve the process for small landlords to have access to justice.

The Ontario Landlords Association has explained to the LTB that most of our thousands of members across Ontario are familiar with Zoom for online meetings and not MS products.

We explained that instead of using Microsoft (MS) products, changing over to Zoom would create a space that most small landlords will be familiar with and be more confident using.

March 5, 2021

TO: Ontario Landlords Association Stakeholders

FROM: Karen Restoule, Associate Chair, Lynn Dicaire, Registrar

RE: Zoom Demonstration

The Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) is working towards implementing Zoom’s videoconference platform to conduct proceedings.

Before implementation, we are engaging with stakeholders to obtain feedback to inform our plans to rollout the platform for all proceedings.

We are pleased to invite you to attend a Zoom demonstration session on one of the following days next week.

Please log into the session using the Zoom link provided next to each date.

Note that each session will be the same and you should only attend

– Wednesday, March 10, 2021 from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Please log in using
this Zoom link:

– Thursday, March 11, 2021 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Please log in using
this Zoom link:

The LTB values your experience and perspective and we welcome your input on our proposed changes to our processes. We are making this transition to better meet the needs of those who access our services. As we move forward, we will provide more updates in the coming weeks.

We hope you will participate in this session.


Karen Restoule                         Lynn Dicaire
Associate Chair                         Registrar

Ontario Landlord and Tenant Board is OPEN!

Saturday, August 1st, 2020

After A Painfully Long Wait The Landlord & Tenant Board Is Open

Many small landlords have felt incredibly frustrated and rightfully angry as the Landlord and Tenant Board was closed for most cases such as non-payment of rent.

Most of us have full time or part time jobs that help us survive. Like others, we too suffered job losses, no school for our children, lock-downs and were worried about our loved ones being safe.

We also had our rental properties to deal with.

Small Ontario Landlords Finally Can Take Action Against Non-Paying Tenants

Ontario Landlord and Tenant Board Is Open

Here are the rules for the opening.

As of August 1st, 2020 the Landlord and Tenant Board Will:

(1) Begin to issue eviction orders that are already pending

(2) The LTB will begin to issue consent eviction orders that are based on tenants and landlords deciding to settle issues with an agreement.

(3) LTB will remain hearing ‘urgent’ matters that are related to health and safety issues that have already been scheduled.

(4) Begin to schedule hearings for non-urgent evictions.

(5) Start non-urgent hearings starting in the middle of August and into autumn.

As the LTB gradually re-opens it says it will make their services stronger:

(1) They will begin holding hearings by phone, video software and in writing

(2) The LTB is encouraging tenants and landlords to try to reach a settlement before applying for a hearing

(3) Using what are called “Case Management Hearings” for applications that don’t include rent owed

(4) Hiring and training more adjudicators

We will be watching what happens and encourage our members to share your feedback with us that we will share with the LTB and the Ministry.

Got Questions? Need Help?

With all the changes happening and after months of chaos we are here to help.

We have thousands of members and many very experienced and successful. This is why we exist…to help small landlords and get our message heard.

So instead of just complaining to each other about how unfair things are, or listening to people who aren’t successful, our members work to come up with winning landlord solutions.

And unlike people who don’t even own rental properties, we’ve got ‘skin in the game’ and find real world solutions because our incomes depend on it.

All for a one time registration fee that includes huge discounts on key services.

The Ontario Landlord and Tenant Board is Finally Re-Opening!

Make Sure You Know The Ropes And Run A Successful Rental Business By Running Credit Checks, Criminal Checks and Having A Network Of Successful Landlords On “Your Team”!