Archive for the ‘Landlord and Tenant Board’ Category

LTB Update – Email Consolidation

Wednesday, May 3rd, 2023

TO:                 Landlord and Tenant Board Stakeholders

FROM:           Ian Speers, Associate Chair

                       Lindiwe Bridgewater, Acting Registrar

DATE:            May 1, 2023 

RE:                LTB Update – Email Consolidation

We are writing to inform you about our plan to consolidate all regional email addresses into one centralized email address.

This initiative will help us to modernize operations and improve our service delivery standards. It will enable the LTB to streamline processes and to respond to inquiries in a more efficient manner, including ensuring that urgent submissions and file-specific inquiries are properly prioritized. This will also help minimize confusion among parties about which email address to use when contacting the LTB.

Effective July 10, 2023, parties can use  to contact the LTB. Emails sent to the regional email addresses on or after July 10, 2023, will receive an email bounce-back advising them that their email has not been received by the LTB and directing them to resend their email to

We continue to encourage users to use the Tribunals Ontario Portal to upload evidence and submissions for their LTB file or to submit requests instead of using email. Using the portal will ensure your casefile is updated in real time and allows the LTB to address your requests in a timely way.

If you have any questions, please contact


Ian Speers                                   Lindiwe Bridgewater

Associate Chair                          Acting Registrar

Let’s Improve The Rental Industry For Good Landlords & Good Tenants – Share Advice, Tips & More

Wednesday, March 1st, 2023
We want everyone to help out where you can! We are all about team work and people from around the country helping us make things better!
Join our community association to share stories, advice and tips on how to improve the rental industry for both small landlords and tenants.
.Share your stories with us, share your experiences, share your hopes and dreams.
.Please email us at:
Please note that due the huge volume we can’t post every story but will try our best to get your voice heard!!!

Sunday, February 19th, 2023


TO:                 Landlord and Tenant Board Stakeholders 

FROM:            Ian Speers, Associate Chair 

                         Lindiwe Bridgewater, Acting Registrar 

RE:                Landlord and Tenant Board Updates 


We are writing to provide you with an update on scheduling, and evening and weekend hearings at the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB).   

Beginning January 2023, the LTB resumed scheduling initial hearings for all landlord and tenant applications, in addition to scheduling previously adjourned matters. We’d like to advise you of the following details:

  • Urgent matters will continue to be scheduled on a priority basis. If you believe your matter warrants an earlier hearing date, you can file a Request to Extend/Shorten Time. 
  • As was done previously, L1s, and L2s and tenant merits, will be scheduled on alternating weeks (for example, week 1 will consist of L1 blocks, and week 2 will consist of L2 and tenant merit blocks). 
  • Merits hearings for Above Guideline Increase (AGI) applications continue to be scheduled. AGI Case Management Hearings will continue to be scheduled in the Spring. 
  • Motions, reviews, and co-operative housing hearings also continue to be part of the schedule as required, as well as weekly French/bilingual hearings. 
  • Online dispute resolution continues to be available for all applications filed in the Tribunals Ontario Portal. Routine mediation also continues to be available upon request for all application types.  

At our stakeholder meeting in November, we asked for feedback on the evening and weekend hearing initiative. Thank you to everyone who provided submissions. We received a lot of valuable feedback, which we are in the process of reviewing as we continue our planning. 

Our goal and priority is to provide timely and accessible dispute resolution services to the people of Ontario. We thank you for your continued patience as we work on shortening delays at the LTB.  


Ian Speers                                                            Lindiwe Bridgewater 

Associate Chair                                                    Acting Registrar 

Let’s All Go To Tenant School! (It’s Free)

Friday, August 5th, 2022

This is Cassandra from the forums. I’ve submitted this and hope lots of people read it.

Tenants only want to follow the rules and protect our rights under the law.

But what if you are busy working multiple jobs just to pay the rent and put food on the table for your children?

Meanwhile, you landlord is trying to do something you think is wrong but how can you fight back?

There is now a terrific way for Tenants learn more about our rights!

This will be informative and fun and teach you about your rights and how to protect yourself. Good landlords will appreciate you knowing about the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA) so both sides are equal partners when it comes to understanding the system.

Here is the information:

Come to our August Tenant School – for free!
Register for the FMTA’s Tenant School program

You can now register for the FMTA’s Tenant School program which provides training to tenants and tenant association leaders about your rights under the law and how you can organize with your neighbours.

Some workshops will be over Zoom and others will be held in person at Christie Pits Park (across from Christie subway stop on the Bloor line).

Here is the schedule of workshops:

On Zoom:

Tuesday, August 9, 7-8:30 pm: Introduction to Landlord-Tenant Law

Wednesday, August 10, 7-8:30 pm: Human Rights and Housing

Thursday, August 11, 7-8:30 pm: City Hall 101

At Christie Pits:

Sunday, August 14, 11:30 am – 4:30 pm:

*Getting Repairs Done

*Community Organizing and Tenant Associations

Read more here: Come to our August Tenant School – for free! – FMTA (


LTB News To Help You Succeed: Tribunals Ontario Portal – Update

Wednesday, August 3rd, 2022

TO:                 Landlord and Tenant Board Stakeholders

FROM:           Dawn Sullivan, Acting Associate Chair

                       Lindiwe Bridgewater, Acting Registrar

DATE:            August 3, 2022

RE:                 Tribunals Ontario Portal – Update

We are writing to share an update on the Tribunals Ontario Portal.

New process for receiving documents

Over the past two years, the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) has made significant progress in modernizing its services at a time where people expect user-friendly and convenient electronic options for interacting with government services.

To that end, we have added a button to the file summary page of the Tribunals Ontario Portal that allows parties to provide consent to receive documents from the LTB via the portal. By default, once a party logs into the portal the button is checked to indicate their consent. A user can uncheck the box if they want to receive communication from the LTB via regular mail. A user can also change their mind at any time about how they want to receive documents from the LTB by logging back into the portal and checking/unchecking the consent button.

If a user never logs on to the portal, they will continue to receive all correspondence from the LTB by regular mail.

Sending all correspondence by email and through the portal has benefits for both the LTB and the parties accessing LTB services. Parties will receive documents faster. The administrative burden is also reduced for LTB staff who track, print and mail out documents. This will allow them to focus on other areas that need attention to improve our service delivery.

We thank you for your continued patience as we actively work to improve our service timelines.


Dawn Sullivan                                              Lindiwe Bridgewater

Acting Associate Chair                               Acting Registrar