Archive for the ‘landlord and tenant board news’ Category

Landlord And Tenant Board Speaks To Ontario Landlords Association Members

Monday, February 15th, 2021

February 16, 2021

TO:                Ontario Landlord Association Members

FROM:           Karen Restoule, Associate Chair

                        Lynn Dicaire, Registrar

 RE:                 Eviction Enforcement Resumes in 27 Ontario Regions

On February 16, 2021, the government announced that residential eviction enforcement will resume in 27 public health unit regions:

  • Niagara Region Public Health
  • Chatham-Kent Public Health
  • City of Hamilton Public Health Services
  • Durham Region Health Department
  • Halton Region Public Health
  • Middlesex-London Health Unit
  • Region of Waterloo Public Health and Emergency Services
  • Simcoe-Muskoka District Health Unit
  • Southwestern Public Health
  • Thunder Bay District Health Unit
  • Wellington-Dufferin Guelph Public Health
  • Windsor-Essex County Health Unit
  • Brant County Health Unit
  • Eastern Ontario Health Unit
  • Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit
  • Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit
  • Huron Perth Public Health
  • Lambton Public Health
  • Ottawa Public Health
  • Porcupine Health Unit
  • Public Health Sudbury and Districts
  • Algoma Public Health
  • Grey Bruce Health Unit
  • Northwestern Health Unit
  • Peterborough Public Health
  • Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit
  • Timiskaming Health Unit.

The Court Enforcement Office (Sheriff) may enforce all Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) eviction orders in these 27 regions and the previously announced three regions that are no longer subject to the Stay-at-Home order. To find out which public health unit your rental unit is located in, enter the postal code in the Ministry of Health’s Public Health Unit Locator.

In all other regions of the province, previously announced restrictions on enforcement of LTB evictions orders by the Sheriff remain in effect. In those regions, the Sheriff cannot enforce an LTB eviction order unless the order asks the Sheriff to expedite the enforcement. If you believe the LTB should request an expedited eviction, please raise the issue at your hearing.

The government may make further changes to the list of public health unit regions subject to these restrictions in the weeks to come.

The LTB continues to hold hearings for all types of applications and issue orders, including orders for evictions. This will help ensure that tenants and landlords seeking resolution from the LTB are provided access to justice with minimal service delays.

Please continue to refer to our website for operational updates. Thank you for your patience and cooperation.


[original signed by]               [original signed by]

Karen Restoule                   Lynn Dicaire

Associate Chair                   Registrar

It’s Important To Pay Your Rent To Your Small Landlord

Friday, September 11th, 2020

My name is Laura and I post under my name on the Ontario Landlords Forum. I’ve been active there for years to try to help other tenants and give some of my advice to help small landlords too.

These are crazy times for everyone.

And while tenants are suffering it’s also important to know your landlord might be suffering too. This pandemic is hurting everyone.

We Need To Stick Together

I used to own a house and we rented our basement out years ago and it really helped us cover our mortgage. When my husband died my children were grown so I decided to sell the house and rent.

Renting has a lot of advantages.

I don’t have to worry about any maintenance issues and my landlady has a service to cut the lawn and plow the snow.  My landlord cover my utilities so she can get just one payment each month to keep things uncomplicated.

My landlady is a teacher and her husband has his own contracting company and they are terrific.

“Are You Going To Pay The Rent?”

When all this chaos started in March and the government said “tenants don’t have to pay rent” my landlady called me and asked me if I was going to pay the rent.

I told her “of course I will”. She was thankful and said if I needed a break just call her.

My Landlady Is Professional and Kind, And I Make Paying Rent A Priority

I’m in a pretty good situation where I don’t need to worry about buying food and my children are adults now.  I know others might not be as safe as I am.

I’m going to pay the rent not only because it’s the right thing to do, but because I want to keep my excellent relationship with my landlady and know that if I don’t pay rent it could hurt her financially (and even lead to her selling this place).

Pay You Rent And If You Can’t Call Your Landlord

My landlady isn’t some big global corporation. She and her family invested and thanks to them I have a great place to stay at a great price.

Rent Strike Hits Small Landlords, Not The Corporate Landlords

-Not paying rent will just get rid of the small nice landlords who care about you.

-Not paying rent will not impact the big heartless corporations.

-The whole “rent strike” people are likely corporate landlords who want to get rid of small landlords who are their competition.  At least that’s what I think.

Stay Home and Stay Safe!

I’m so happy to have a great rental with a great landlady. I feel safe and don’t ever want to move.

With Love And Wishing Everyone Stays Safe,



Saturday, May 30th, 2020

Create your own user feedback survey

ODSP Recipient Tenants Struggling To Survive Pandemic

Thursday, May 21st, 2020

OLA Member Small Landlords Working Together With Our Tenants In These Challenging Times

Many people mistakenly think all tenants receive CERB (Canada Emergency Response Benefit) equaling $2000.00 per month. This leads some landlords to create their payment plans based on this.

Recently there was an important report on Citynews called “ODSP recipients struggling to survive pandemic”. This has helped us educate landlords and created a flurry of discussion amongst our members.

-According to the report, tenants on ODSP get less than $1200.00 per month.

-Also, ODSP recipients are not eligible for the CERB ($2000.00/mo) and can be punished with claw-back of benefits if they apply.

-People are being left destitute with less than $50/week to feed themselves.

Let’s Get The Message Out

For over a decade the Ontario Landlords Association has always been about good landlords working together with good tenants for a win-win situation (or survival-survival situations during these challenging times). 

Our members are working class people. These include carpenters, nurses, teachers, entrepreneurs, health care workers, police officers, fire-fighters, plumbers, seniors and others. We have invested to try to create some monthly cash-flow and prepare for their retirement.

Our members don’t live in mansions (and many of our members rent out their basements).

1. Landlords Make Sure You Are Aware Of The Real Challenges Your Tenants Face

Many of our members rent to ODSP recipients. Make sure you are aware of the financial reality your tenants face.

Talk with your tenants, work things out, understand each others concerns.  Create a realistic payment or deferral plan based on real data.

2. The Provincial Government Needs To Help Tenants On ODSP 

The provincial government needs to step up and help out ODSP recipients pay rent.

The Premier and the Minister Of Housing are aware of the challenges small residential landlords and tenants face and already reached out to the federal government (which refused to help).

With rising food and medical costs, tenants on ODSP need help from the province.

Landlords are helping but many small landlords need rent to survive and are struggling as well.

We don’t want to evict anyone (it’s the last resort) and many of us have strong, friendly relationships with our tenants.

We don’t hire property managers or lawyers to intimidate tenants. What we do is call and chat and try to work things out.

3. It’s time for an emergency “rent grant” to all tenants on ODSP or OW from the province

Small landlords aren’t rich and we have limits. We need the province to setp up to the plate.

The logistics of this will not be difficult. The province of British Columbia is already helping all tenants by paying landlords up to $500 per month to help cover tenant rent.

Let’s Stop Evictions…Here’s The Solution

Recipients on ODSP or OW can access a “rent grant” that will cover their rent for the next 6 months (which will be renewed if we are still in lock-down)

This payment will be sent to the landlord directly and the landlord will agree not to file for eviction.

Boom goes the dynamite – most evictions will be cancelled!

4. Let’s Extend This To All Residential Tenants in Ontario

-Want to avoid landlord-tenant conflict?

-Want to make sure their is no tsunami of evictions when the Landlord and Tenant Board eventually opens?

The province can easily step in and help tenants. If the government helps commercial landlords and tenants, why not help residential landlords and tenants?

The Province Needs To Help Tenants And Stop Putting The Financial Burden On Struggling Small Landlords Creating Unnecessary Conflict With Our Tenants

Airlines are getting a bail-out. Commercial landlords are getting a bail out.

What about tenants?

We need government to play a role and stop pitting landlords vs. tenants.

If this is too expensive, make the “Rent Grant” available to only tenants who are on ODSP, OW, rent from small landlords. 

We think this rent grant should go to all tenants but if there are true budget constraints at least help out tenants on ODSP, OW, and tenants who rent from small landlords.

This will make corporate lobbyists angry. But those billion dollar REITS aren’t worried about being able to pay their property taxes in June like many small landlords are.

And while these corporate landlords can spend a lot of money to politicians, they are not the same as hundreds of thousands of voters who thought they were getting a pro-business leadership.

THIS CAN HAPPEN: No Evictions, Small Landlords Secure, Tenants Secure, And We Are A Team During This Pandemic…It’s Easy To Do!

Ontario can lead  the way and be a role-model for the rest of Canada.

If millions of dollars can be invested on widening highways, money can surely be spent on saving the residential rental industry in Ontario.

…and saving hundreds of thousands of working class landlords and tenants from stress, conflict, trial dates, evictions…and worse.