Archive for the ‘Residential Tenancies Act’ Category

Invitation to Comment on Regulatory Registry Postings Related to Market Rental Housing

Thursday, May 18th, 2023


Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing – Market Housing Division

777 Bay Street, 14th Floor
Toronto, ON M7A 2J3

Tél: 416 585-6872

SUBJECT: Mavis Fung, Director, Market Housing Division

Invitation to Comment on Regulatory Registry Postings Related to Market Rental Housing

On April 6, 2023, the Ontario government introduced Bill 97, the Helping Homebuyers, Protecting Tenants Act, which is the latest in a series of steps the government is taking to increase housing supply and help more Ontarians find a home they can afford.

The proposals in the Helping Homebuyers, Protecting Tenants Act would, if passed, help to ensure that the government reaches its goal of building 1.5 million homes by 2031.

The government is consulting municipalities, stakeholders and the public on the
proposed initiatives, including those related to market rental housing.

To that end, the ministry would like to invite you to submit your feedback on the following initiatives currently posted on Ontario’s Regulatory Registry.

Please feel free to forward this invitation on to other interested members and stakeholders.

Regulatory proposals available for comment from April 6 to May 21, 2023:

1. Seeking Feedback on Future Regulations To Create A Balanced Framework Around Municipal Rental Replacement By-Laws (Proposal # 23-MMAH005)

2. Seeking Feedback on Proposed Changes to Help Protect Tenants from Bad Faith Renovation Evictions (Proposal # 23-MMAH00)

3. Seeking Feedback on Timeframe for Occupancy for Landlord’s Own Use Evictions (Proposal # 23-MMAH007)
These and other related consultations can be found through the Environmental Registry of Ontario and the Ontario Regulatory Registry.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the ministry.
Questions regarding the postings can be sent to Jennifer Chan, Manager, Residential and
Commercial Tenancies Unit, at
We look forward to hearing your input.
Mavis Fung

Thursday, April 29th, 2021

Tenants Speak Out & Share Their Concerns & Opinions on the Rental Industry

As part of our “Let’s Improve the Ontario Rental Industry” we have invited tenants to share their opinions on how we can make these improvements.

Most of us used to rent to and we have tried to become the landlords we always wanted to rent from but could never find.

These opinions are from individual contributors and are not the opinions of the Ontario Landlords Association.

We believe by fostering communication between landlords and tenants we can improve the Ontario rental industry in a win-win business relationship.

To contribute your experiences and advice please email us at: (All contributions must be a minimum of 300 words and include your name, contact number, address, a copy of your lease, all which will all be kept private and destroyed upon confirmation.)

The post below has been recommended by the Tenant Community as extremely helpful and important information. 

By Working Together Tenants And Small Landlords Can Get A Better Understanding of the Issues And Improve The Ontario Rental Industry.

Let’s all face issues straight on and work to make the Ontario Rental Industry not only an example for Canada, but for the world!


Eviction Defense Advice Against A Corrupt Landlord and Tenant Board

Tuesday, December 1st, 2020

Super Heroes Exist: They Are Tenants Helping Tenants During These Crazy, Horrifying Times! 

Super heroes exist. They spend their time and energy to help tenants protect tenants. They work tirelessly to make sure justice happens for Tenants.

One the most amazing “Justice League” of Heroes is Parkdale Organize. They have created some very helpful slides of advice that can help tenants.

Please take a look and visit there site (and help out if you can). Tenants are in this together.

Here is some motivating and useful information to help you and your family survive. Spread the word to others!

Tenants Have Rights Too! We Are In This Together!

Always remember to also get FREE LEGAL ADVICE BEFORE YOUR HEARING!