Take Action And Avoid Being Evicted In A Global Pandemic PART 1
Landlords are boasting and cocky like never before. They are now getting Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) Hearing dates and evicting Tenants who rightfully didn’t pay rent during the beginning of the Covid-19 health catastrophe! Tenants are losing our homes every day!
They even changed the rules to make faster MASS EVICTIONS
Despite Premier Ford’s statement that tenants who didn’t pay rent during the pandemic would be protected, the LTB is evicting tenants by the thousands now.
Ford is the ultimate traitor and a puppet of the landlords. His lack of a strong moral code and his deception are putting our children at risk.

“Daddy I’m so cold and feel sick being homeless.”
The landlords and their lobbyists the Ontario Landlords Association ,the Ontario Real Estate Association and the corporate Chinese Communist Party (CCP) controlled landlord groups control the Ford government. It’s called “pay to play.”
This has led to even more anti-tenant rules in the Residential Tenancies Act
These new rules are harsh and destroy almost all rights hard working tenants have fought for over the past 40 years!
Ford made these changes which don’t allow tenants to re-schedule Hearings if we are sick or busy finding a job and will lead to hundreds of thousands of people homeless and on the street!
Why Are They Doing This? When You Move Landlords Can Raise The Rent As Much As They Want!
This is their goal because when tenants move out, landlords can raise the rent by hundreds and even thousands of dollars for new tenants. There is no rent control for new tenants!

“Why was my family evicted in the cold of winter during a lock down? I’m so sad!”

“I thought Canada as a good place? My family is suffering, I hate to see Mummy crying all the time and I’m hungry!!!”
They Want You And Your Family Homeless!
They don’t just want to evict you, they want you homeless and want you to suffer. They hope you have toddlers who will living in a super cold Canadian winter where they might not survive. Landlords view you as cannon fodder, as less than human!
Because how dare you not pay rent…when the Premier said you didn’t have to. Canada is a corrupt nation.
This is an attack on Tenants like we have never seen before!
Who is Doug Ford, Really?

“March 2020: Tenants don’t have to pay rent during the Pandemic”

“Nov 2020: I Fooled You ALL With My Warm Uncle Act! LOL! Mass Evictions on the way and renters should get out! Landlords need you evicted to raise rents HAHAHA”
It’s a lie that will lead to mass evictions and massive homelessness. The reality is Canadian politicians lie all the time and cannot be trusted.
You Need To Win At The Landlord And Tenant Board To Survive!
Evictions are happening and thousands of tenants per day are being evicted and kicked to the streets to die!

“I need money for more Botox treatments and my Ferrari needs snow tires! Tenants get out so I can raise the rent by $500/month!!”
Small Landlords Show Their True Evil Face, They Are Not Nice
The good “mom and pop” landlord trying to just pay their bills is a myth!
Most landlords are incredibly greedy and heartless. All they want is to to get your hard earned money even during a global pandemic where thousands of people are dying.
They could easily give you a break and use their profits to cover their mortgages, or (and this will upset them) get a real job and not just rely on sucking the life blood of tenants like parasites.
They simply don’t care about you and your family and only view you as cattle. Or less than cattle. You are the steak, pork, chicken and lamb they feast on.
And now with online hearings Tenants are being evicted like cows in slaughterhouse!
Use “Payment Plans” Against Your Landlord And Win!
Tenants have very few options…but we still have some!
If you want to avoid being evicted and win at the Landlord and Tenant Board here is one strategy you should consider.
Let’s first look the the rules of the Residential Tenancies Act which were changed in July, 2020.
Did you know the rules changed? Most tenants (and tenant groups) don’t realize it.
But this is the key to avoiding evictions and defeating your landlord!
Here’s the new rules:
Rent Arrears that Arose During COVID-19
On July 21, 2020, the following provision was added to the RTA:
“83(6) Without restricting the generality of subsections (1) and (2), if a hearing is held in respect of an application under section 69 for an order evicting a tenant based on arrears of rent arising in whole or in part during the period beginning on March 17, 2020 and ending on the prescribed date, in determining whether to exercise its powers under subsection (1) the Board shall consider whether the landlord has attempted to negotiate an agreement with the tenant including terms of payment for the tenant’s arrears.
What this means is that when deciding whether to grant discretionary relief from eviction for an application about rent arrears on or after March 17, 2020, the Board must consider whether the landlord tried to reach a payment agreement with the tenant before the hearing.
Therefore, at the hearing the parties or their representatives must be prepared to discuss whether the landlord and the tenant tried to reach an agreement. If the parties tried to reach an agreement but were not successful, the details of the negotiations should not be discussed during the hearing.
Subsection 83(6) applies to rent arrears that arose, at least in part, starting on March 17, 2020, and ending on a date to be proclaimed by the Lieutenant Governor. As of September 2020, the ending date had not been proclaimed”
So How Does This Help Tenants?
Landlords had to have offered you the option of a “Payment Plan” in order to get their eviction and kick you and your family to the cold streets!
Let’s look at this again:
1. Your Landlord Didn’t Offer You A Payment Plan?
This is excellent for you.
All you have to do is explain to the LTB adjudicator that during the Covid-19 pandemic shut down you were worried about surviving and your landlord “didn’t even try to cooperate with you.”
This will lead to no eviction as long as you (a) Show up for your Hearing (b) Explain how scary times were during the lock-down.
2. Your Landlord Offered You A Payment Plan?
This makes things more complicated. Because if your landlord offered you a payment plan they probably did it because their $500/hr lawyer told them to do this to get you kicked out on the street!
At your Landlord and Tenant Board Hearing your landlord or their representative will try to use this to get a evicted, and fast!
Even if the offer was ridiculous, or you were too busy trying to survive to contemplate it, the Ford Pro-Landlord LTB will get you evicted!
Your Landlord Only Made The Payment Plan Offer To Use Against You To Evict you!
They don’t care about getting a little bit of rent, they want you evicted so they can raise the rent buy hundreds or thousands of dollars to the next tenants! The payment plan provided to you was a just a “legal tactic” to get you evicted!

Fight landlord dirty tricks by using their tricks against them!
Fight Fire With Fire – DENY, DENY, DENY!
Landlords are lying so you can too! Fight fire with fire. Too many tenants are honest and victims to lying, evil landlords.
At you Landlord and Tenant Board Hearing if your landlords says they offered you a “payment plan” deny it.
Yes, JUST DENY IT! (Yes, even if it’s not true!)
1. If they say they called you discussing a payment plan…DENY IT!
2. If they say they emailed you offering a payment plan…DENY IT!
3. If they say they met with you offering a payment plan…DENY IT!
What If There Is Evidence That Your Landlord Presented A Payment Plan?
First of all deny it. Make your landlord “prove” it.
If there is an email exchange tell the LTB adjudicator that is not your email address and make your landlord prove it!
If your landlord recorded you say that is “not me” and make your landlord prove it!
Do You Have A Spouse Or Roommate Or Someone Living With You?
This is great.
Bring them in as witnesses and also DENY, DENY, DENY and payment plan offers.
If There Is Any Doubt Of A Payment Plan Your LL Claims Is True And You Get An Eviction Order You Can Appeal To The Superior Court And Win
Unlike all the low paid, desperate for work newly hired failed lawyers, failed paralegal LTB adjudicators (their salary and benefits are Walmart tire!), Superior Court Judges are trained and fair and fight for real JUSTICE!
No Landlord Offer Of A Payment Plan = No LTB Eviction = Protect Your Family From Landlord Lies!
Protect You and Your Family By Using Legal Methods To Beat Your Landlord At the Landlord At Tenant Board
Tenants are just trying to find a home. We pay our rent on time and keep the properties like our own.
During a huge historic pandemic where are our jobs were shut down many tenants couldn’t pay rent.
We were promised by Ford that we didn’t have to pay rent so we could pay for food and medicine.
Months later the rules have changed and landlords are seeking MASS EVICTIONS.
Make Sure You Fight Back And Win At Your LTB Hearing.
This Is Part 1, Come Back And More Real Life Advice To Avoid Evictions!!
Tags: Covid evictions, evictions, landlord credit bureau, naborly, Ontario tenant rights, tenant rights