TO: Landlord and Tenant Board Stakeholders
FROM: Ian Speers, Associate Chair
Lindiwe Bridgewater, Acting Registrar
DATE: July 2023
RE: LTB Updates
We are writing to inform you about LTB updates to our forms, information about the new Videoconference User Feedback Survey and a reminder about email consolidation.
Forms Update:
These updates will help simplify the process and allow us to action certain requests more quickly.
Advance Resolution Request (ARR)
We have removed the Advance Resolution Request (ARR) section on our website and replaced it with a section called: Resolving Matters Without a Hearing. The ARR form has been replaced with two forms,
- Request to Withdraw an Application This form can be used by the applicant if they want to withdraw the application.
- Request for a Discontinuance Order Without a Hearing Where the tenant has paid, in full, all arrears and the application fee, the applicant can file this form to request that the application be discontinued. An L1/L9 update sheet is no longer required (and should not be provided) in support of a request for a discontinuance order. Instead, the applicant makes a declaration and completes a draft order for the Board to review for issuance.
Parties seeking a consent order under section 206 should upload the Payment Agreement Form as a document type in the portal. There is no longer a need to also use the ARR form.
As a transition measure, the LTB will continue to accept the current ARR forms until September 30, 2023, after which, any ARR forms submitted will be returned and the applicant will be directed to complete one of the two new forms as appropriate.
Issues a Tenant Intends to Raise at a Rent Arrears Hearing
The LTB has updated the Issues a Tenant Intends to Raise at a Rent Arrears Hearing form to include L10 applications.
Videoconference User Feedback Survey
The LTB has implemented a Videoconference User Feedback Survey for proceedings held on Zoom.
The survey, which is in place at all tribunals within Tribunals Ontario, asks hearing participants for feedback related to their technical experience using Zoom.
At the end of each hearing, or any proceeding on Zoom, participants will receive a pop-up message that asks if they want to complete the survey. If they want to participate, they will be redirected to a Tribunals Ontario webpage where they can complete the survey in either French or English. The survey is anonymous.
We note the survey is aimed at those participating in a Zoom hearing by video. Those participating by phone will not receive the survey link. We are currently working on a process for distributing a survey to those participating by phone.
The survey will provide valuable insight and will help Tribunals Ontario and the LTB improve the videoconference experience for those who come before our tribunal.
Email Consolidation
As reminder, effective July 10, 2023, the Landlord and Tenant Board regional email office addresses are no longer accepting emails. Parties can use LTB@ontario.ca to contact the LTB for file-specific inquiries or requests. An operational update will be added to our website on July 10 with more details.
Ian Speers Lindiwe Bridgewater
Associate Chair Acting Registrar