You Can Play An Important Role in Helping Improve the Canadian Rental Industry By Sharing Your Experiences To Help BC Landlords And Tenants Create New Rental Policy On The Pet Issue in British Columbia
As part of our “Let’s Improve the Ontario Rental Industry” we have invited landlords and tenants to share their opinions on how we can make these improvements. These opinions are from individual contributors and are not the opinions of the Ontario Landlords Association. We believe by fostering communication between landlords and tenants we can improve the Ontario rental industry. Landlords and tenants can share your thoughts and opinions by emailing us at landlordtenantsolutions@groupmail.com In this case let’s help BC Landlords and Tenants!
Let’s Help BC Create Fair Rules for BC Landlords and BC Tenants With Pets
Ontario Landlords know how important it is to work together to come up with ideas and solutions to improve the rental industry. Our members came up with thousands of emails sent in when we made key suggestions to the province on what changes need to be made to improve the Ontario rental industry.
Led by our many experienced and successful landlords we have also come up with thousands of tips and strategies for landlords to succeed. And a key aspect of all the great advice provided to OLA members is how important it is to have a ‘win-win’ business relationship with your tenants.
Experienced landlords know great tenants are looking for great landlords with amazing rental properties. You need to be extremely careful not to rent to bad, unethical tenants who will manipulate the system. These are tenants who will “play games” with you and use the Landlord and Tenant Board to delay evictions.
The good news is the reality is there are lots of great people out there looking to rent a property. These are people who will pay the rent on time, respect the law, and treat you and your rental property with respect.
These great tenants are looking for knowledgeable, professional landlords who not only know the the Landlord and Tenant Board and Residential Tenancy Act, but also are willing to work with their tenant clients for a win-win business relationship!
An Ottawa landlord posted in our members forum:
“A young couple saw my rental and liked it. But they had a bunch of questions for me. The questions where everything to what would happen is something breaks to how to deal with a move out after one year.
I told them I was an OLA member and a professional landlord and answered all their questions clearly based on the law. They were super impressed and decided to rent my condo over the others they saw. They told me “my professionalism made the difference and why they decided to rent my place…because of me!”
By working with your tenants you can create a win-win situation.”

BC Landlords And Tenants Have Asked For Our Help
These days BC landlords and tenants are having an important debate on dealing with renting to tenants who have pets.
It’s a very important issue out there as the new government is looking at making a lot of big changes in the way the BC rental business is run. Even the media is doing some major reporting on the issue of BC tenants and pets recently.
Let’s Speak Out To Help BC Landlords And Tenants Create New and Fair Rental Policy
Here are some facts about how the “pet situation” is currently in British Columbia:
1. As of now BC Landlords Can Demand “No Pets” to Tenants
While many small landlords will think this make sense it’s important to see the social consequences of this policy.
2. BC Families Forced to “Give Up” Their Pets Who Are Part of Their Family
According to facts provided over 1,700 families who need to rent were forced to give up their pets and companion animals in order to secure a rental property. It’s a pretty shocking number and it certainly is something that needs to be changed there.
3. Forcing to Abandon a Pet/Family Member Just to Get Accepted For a Rental Isn’t Fair
Many tenants feel landlords need to treat tenants with pets equally with tenants who don’t have pets.
Let’s Help BC Landlords and Tenants Create a Better Rental Industry Based On Your Experiences
BC Landlords and tenants are asking for your help based on your experiences. They want real world advice and not some salaried spokesperson who doesn’t even own rentals speaking down to small landlords.
BC landlords, BC tenants and the provincial government are looking for our feedback to help improve the BC rental industry.
Ontario landlords what are your experiences dealing with tenants with pets?
Many OLA members are pet owners and pet lovers and the current situation in British Columbia needs to change.
However, we advise our BC friends that it’s not as simple as a “make it illegal” for landlords to refuse pets. It’s complicated and we want to help.
For example what about pet damages?
What if pets bother other tenants?
We want your feedback!
Let’s Help BC Create Fair Rules for BC Landlords and BC Tenants With Pets
There is talk that soon British Columbia landlords will have to follow the Ontario model. In BC some people want a “no pets” policy to be Human Rights Violation and the Residential Tenancy Act to not allow “no pets” policies.
Ontario Landlords know this is a complicated situation and so we ask you to share your thoughts. And sent them soon as new rules and legislation is on the way.