As part of our “Let’s Improve the Ontario Rental Industry” we have invited landlords and tenants to share their opinions on how we can make these improvements. These opinions are from individual contributors and are not the opinions of the Ontario Landlords Association. We believe by fostering communication between landlords and tenants we can improve the Ontario rental industry.
Tenants Know Your Rights When It Comes To Air Conditioners
Our weather is changing. In particular, Canada is facing more severe climate change than any other nation.
Not long ago we could expect snowy winters and comfortable summers. Due to a lack of carbon taxes in previous years, our weather is now erratic and hard to predict. The build up of carbon due our misuse and waste of fossil fuels is destroying our environment.
One thing is for sure: our summers are getting hotter.
And while wealthy landlords can enjoy their air conditioned houses, dips in their backyard pool, breezing winds while boating, and expensive vacations to avoid the heat, Tenants are left to suffer.
It really reminds me of the excellent Matt Damon movie called Elysium.
In this movie the Earth’s environment has been destroyed and hard working common people are suffering. Meanwhile the landlord and other elite live on the moon in perfect luxury, continuing to abuse Earth to pay for their air conditioned lunar homes.
Tenants are the ones paying expensive rents, while landlords collect it and can use it to make sure they personally don’t feel the serious impacts of climate change
Tenants Protect Your Rights And Fight Back On A/C Charges!
Many tenants are reporting Landlords are demanding tenants pay $200-$300 dollars in order to operate an air conditioner.
The main question we’re getting – is this legal? Let’s break it down
1) Landlords can charge a monthly fee to tenants with air conditioners if they have done so every year you’ve been a tenant, or if this is your first year of tenancy. This fee must be monthly, and must be only for cost recovery for the landlord
2) Landlords are not allowed to charge their tenants a one time fee for an air conditioner. Landlords cannot introduce a charge for something that has been previously included in the rent. A landlord cannot remove something that was previously provided to you
3) Finally, if your landlord is asking for this fee, they will need to go to the Landlord and Tenant Board to enforce it – so do your research before you pay!
It’s Time To Make A Maximum Allowed Temperature As Part Of the Residential Tenancy Act
We’ve been saying this for years. It’s time for a maximum temperature in rentals law.
In the winter, landlords are forced by law to maintain the heat. It’s time the government amended the RTA to make sure landlords are forced to also maintain a MAXIMUM temperature during the summer.

With Severe Climate Change and Dangerously Hot Summers, Tenants Can Die In Our Homes!
Tenants Be Careful And Fight Like Hell For Your Rights – It’s A Matter Of Life And Death! Make Sure You Survive And You And Your Children Don’t Die!
As our summers get hotter and hotter all tenants must fight back. What is even scarier is the neo-Cons want to ignore climate change and this means things are going to become Hellish soon. Many experts say we have 12 years before it’s all over.
Remember your rights and if the landlord is breaking your rights contact your MPP and the Landlord and Tenant Board.
Fight Back To Survive As Climate Change Makes Our Summer Hotter Than Hell!