Ontario Landlords Association

Landlords Have To Supply Air Conditioners to Every Renter?

August 10th, 2012


Toronto city council: Proposal could mean mandatory air conditioning for renters

What’s the Story?

Two members of Toronto City Council want to re-evaluate laws determining temperatures for rental units.

Isn’t there already a Law?

Yes, there are laws for minimum temperatures. This means landlords must maintain a certain temperature in their rentals during the Winter months.

So What Is the Concern?

The Councillors have new concerns. First, they want some flexibility in the law stating landlords must keep the heat on until June 1st no matter what the temperature outdoors happens to be.
Sounds Like Good Common Sense!
Yes. As our weather seems to be getting warmer, giving landlords more flexibility is good policy.
What’s their Second Idea?
The second idea is more problematic. It is to write into law tenants have the right to a “maximum” temperature.
Does this Mean They Expect Air Conditioning for Every Renter?
Yes. Councillor Josh Matlow believes it’s time to look into and re-evaluate exactly what are “appropriate” room temperatures in rental units.

Matlow’s motion could lead to legally mandatory air conditioners for ever tenant.  He said his idea might “inconvenience” landlords, however  “it’s not only totally worthwhile, I think it’s a basic right and expectation. It’s not only a quality of life issue it’s a basic health issue.”

Did He Discuss the Costs Involved For this “Idea”?


Certainly Matlow Spoke about How this Would Conflict with His Proposals on Green Energy?


New air conditioning units in all rental properties would lead to a vast increase in energy consumption.

Doesn’t the Residential Tenancy Act (RTA) Cover This Already?

The RTA already allows landlords and tenants to agree to terms that would allow air conditioners to be installed. Tenants pay for the true costs of this service.

So Matlow’s Proposal Wants Landlords to Pay for What Tenants Can Already Get?

Yes.  Tenants can get the service if they pay for it.

Matlow Wants Landlords to “Eat the Costs”

It appears so.

This Proposal Seems Silly and Harmful to Landlords and Tenants!

Yes again.

The Ontario Landlords Association hopes Toronto Council look at the big picture with this proposal.  We ask them to take a look and give sincere consideration to the overall social /economic/environmental impact of their ideas.

Trying to curry tenant votes for the next election, at the expense of our environment and the landlords who provide housing to tenants all over Ontario, is short-sighted, selfish, and destructive.

We hope the Councillors realize this.  We also hope voters realize it.

To discuss this issue welcome to the Ontario Landlord Forums.  The debate over this issue can be found here.

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