Landlord “Scared Of What Will Happen Next”
According to a Toronto Star report, serial bad tenant Nina Will has finally been evicted.
I Have a Feeling It Wasn’t Easy
After over one year and thousands of dollars lost, the landlord Darius Vikili finally managed to get an eviction.
And the Ontario Sheriff Was Involved?
According to the Star report, the eviction required the sheriff, the landlord, a locksmith and five police officers.
The good news is….According to the Star “nightmare Toronto tenant Nina Willis has finally been removed from the building.”
What Did Willis Do During the Eviction?
Two officers from the Ontario Sheriff’s office arrived at the property in the early afternoon. Willis shouted at enforcement officers from the Ontario Sheriff’s office.
….“Why are you doing this to me?”
….”You can’t do this to me!”
My Gosh!
She continued ….. “I’ve done everything right.”
The police were called and arrived at the property. Five officers were involved in the removal.
What’s the Background to This Story?
We been following the Toronto Star story of the “Tenant From Hell” for months.
She has a long history of refusing to pay rent and stalling evictions.
She has been ordered out of six homes since 2005.
The Toronto Star has followed Willis’s case and has the reporters have done a superb ob showing just how easy it for a tenant to manipulate and abuse the Ontario Landlord and Tenant Board.
Protections in the Ontario Residential Tenancy Act and rules at the Landlord and Tenant Board originally designed to help tenants battle unfair evictions are being manipulated by bad tenants to avoid paying rent.
Willis attempted a last-ditch effort to plead her case to the Landlord and Tenant Board yet again.
She attempted to use a provision in the Ontario Residential Tenancies Act that gives tenants a “last chance” during a case to pay the owed rent to the landlord.
Willis had finally over the over $10,000 she owed in back rent to her landlord. However, she miscalculated and forget to pay the $170 fee to the landlord. This fee was paid to the Board to begin the eviction process months before.
So After This Whole Ordeal She Was Evicted Over a Technicality?
She was evicted only for forgetting to pay the Landlord and Tenant Board filing fee.
Did Willis Leave With Only Some Screaming?
Fortunately, five police officers where there. They made sure Willis, along with another women and two men, left the rental unit. They wore sunglasses and hats, exiting the property through the backyard.
And the Door Locks?
The locksmith changed the locks.
Any Other Tenant Drama?
There was a dog in the property. The landlord contacted Toronto Animal Services to remove it.
What’s Next for Willis and the Landlord?
Willis now has 72 hours to contact her former landlord. They will then set a time and date for her to pick up all the things she left behind.
The Landlord Must Feel Very Relieved
After this nightmare experience Landlord Darius Vakili was happy Willis was finally out. However, after all the games she played to manipulate the system Vakili said he was “scared of what will happen next.” In particular he is worried she will return to the property and and break into the house.
Police cautioned Vakili to avoid entering the house until Willis had removed all her things. The police also advised him to contact the police when Willis was coming because Vakili would meet her to unlock the door.
What If She Doesn’t Contact the Landlord Within 72 Hours?
Then Vakili can dispose of whatever Willis left behind.
“I have a bad feeling they are not going to call me and I will have to clean up all (their) junk,” he said.
Is Vakili Going to Continue to Rent Out His Property?
He says he won’t be looking for a new tenant in the immediate future. He first wants to see the condition of the property. Vakili exprect dirt and damages.
To discuss this topic, welcome to the the Ontario landlord forum.
It took months to evict this bad tenant. It costs the landlord months and tens of thousands of dollars. In the end, she was only evicted over her own technical error in filling out paper-work. Avoid bad tenants by making sure you do proper tenant screening including a credit check.