Ontario Landlords Association

Hey, Jim Coyle, of the Toronto Star

You keep writing about the HST.

Yet, we notice that after a barrage of negative comments about you and The Star (many commenting on your Liberal bias) the Comments feature is gone.

Please look into this. Thanks.

Jim, you wrote:

They were faces of raving irrationality that any woman abused by her mate would recognize. They were faces of incoherent fulminating that any child terrified by a drunken father would know. They were the faces of inane intransigence with which most beat cops are wearily familiar.

That’s National Enquirer style writing. How about “Their faces were of a woman defending her child from huge price increases. Their faces were of a child sternly telling their drunken Father to sober up. They were the faces of a Cop telling a criminal, respect society’s rules.”

C’mon Jim. You can do better, can’t you?

At least you allowed 6/9 of your fist comments this time:

All Inside Baseball
This article shows just how out-of-touch Coyle is with his readers. He should be applauding the PCs for standing up to this hated tax. After all, this will hit the lowest income Ontarians the hardest – the very people Coyle, the Star and left wingers proclaim to want to help. Hey Jim, why no shame given to Liberal MPP Alvin Curling for his similar protest? After all, he did stay overnight in the Chamber forcing him to urinate in a bottle. That sounds like a lack of respect to our democratic institution to me.

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Dec 2, 2009 7:35 AM
why not
i for one am glad oif what they are doiingf. Someone has to have the balls to stand up for ontatiuans. If the liberal leader can Lie to us and try an implement a very unpopular tax, why not. You all know he said no new taxes. If he can lie, then they should should have the right to stop parliment. Way to go boys.

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Dec 2, 2009 7:31 AM
What utter nonsense!
I am no fan of the conservative government and I have no doubt that this protest is purely for their own political purposes. However, the end result is that at least someone is standing up and fighting against an unfair tax that is being implemented at the worst possible time and will have a terribly negative impact on the poorest among us. So, I couldn’t care less about their “motives.” Good luck to them!!!

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Lefty Fluff

Dec 2, 2009 7:31 AM
Mr. Coyle…
…”the PC need for growth in urban Ontario” is being aided by Liberal supporting columnists like you who couldn’t care less about a major tax increase, or small businesses that will lose even more business during a recession. McGuinty is a callous economic fool who will be implementing an anti-stimulus tax.

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Dec 2, 2009 7:29 AM
A disgraceful column written by Mr. Coyle
With the dictator McGuinty who did not campaign on the HST and refuses to open this 161 page bill to any meaningful public debate (something even the Star’s editorial board has come out today and agreed needs to take place), what alternatives do members Bill Murdoch and Randy Hiller have? I am proud of their stance and are thankful they are shining the spotlight on this horrible piece of legislation. What McGuinty’s doing is simply taxation without representation. He has no mandate to carry out tax reform and if this is his wish he should immediately call an election and campaign on this platform. As to Mr. Murdoch calling McGuinty a liar, no truer words have ever been spoken in the Legislative Assembly. No MPP should be admonished for telling the truth. McGuinty is a liar as he has proven time and time again. Shame on you Mr. Coyle for criticizing two MPP’s who are only trying to serve their constituents wishes. Maybe some of McGuinty’s blind sheep MPP’s should listen to their own constituents wishes

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