An Ontario Tenant Explains Why She Thinks a Premier Doug Ford and a PC Ontario Government Would Be a Disaster for Tenants and a Huge “Gift” To Ontario Landlords and Property Investors
This is a message to Ontario tenants reading this site. Things are not looking good and we have a potential disaster coming if we don’t act together and act now to stop it!
Unlike rich landlords who make lots of money just sitting back and collecting rent checks, tenants are busy working hard to not only pay our rent but to provide food on the table for our families. This means many tenants are not even aware of the coming election and what it means for us.
Ontario Election 2018
On June 7, 2018 voters will go to voting booths to choose who they want to run our province. This is only a few days away!
For newcomers to Ontario this is called being a “democracy.” And while you will often be told in the media this is a good thing, often it is not. Because this can lead to many bad changes that hurt tenants and those of us struggling to survive.
Canadian Media is Controlled by White, Male, Privileged, and Wealthy People, Landlords and Their Companies
The media is not fair. They constantly promote ‘business interests’ and ‘landlord interests’ because these are the people who pay huge sums of money for advertising.
It’s easy to see how the CBC, Toronto Star and other media are totally “pro landlord” and constantly praise “rich people” and “business people” while often insulting hard working lower class people.
Make Sure You Vote For the Liberals, NDP or Greens Only
Ontario Liberal Party (Kathleen Wynne) — Rating “B”
The Ontario Liberals deserve our support and votes unless the NDP can win in your riding. They have made some steps to make sure tenants are protected in Ontario.
1. All rental properties are now under rent control
This means these shady investors who have invested in newer properties can raise the rent too high
2. You don’t have to pay rent if there are maintenance issues you can think of
This is a terrific way to empower tenants because we don’t have to pay rent if we are unhappy about something.
3. All Tenants Get Free Legal Aid at the LTB
While all landlords are wealthy and can hire expensive lawyers we tenants are people who can’t waste a dime that we need to pay for food for our kids.
4. Rent increases are capped at 2.5 no matter what
Tenants knows costs are rising. Even most of our transportation and food costs are up over 10% so we cannot allow landlords to match this.
5. We Can Never Have Security Deposits
You see on the Ontario landlord forum here landlords keep complaining tenants leave behind damages or messes. My question to them is: have you ever moved?
Of course anyone moving will leave stuff behind. Tenants can’t afford your huge moving trucks or your “maids”. We often have to move quickly and just don’t have time to clean up because of the pressures we have for our new home.
You have all our rent money and can afford to clean up. It’s called being a business person so stop complaining! It’s the cost of doing business.
Andrea Horwath and NDP — RATING A++++++++++++++++++++
The NDP will be even better to protect Tenants!
1. Huge Investment in Social Housing
We need to get rid of all private small landlords and we can do this with a huge investment in social housing.
2. Get Rid Of Above the Guideline Rent Increases
It’s time for this to end, NOW! It’s just a way to evict Tenants who protect our rights!
3. License All Private Landlords Across Ontario
Even if you drive a taxi you need a license. It’s time to license every landlord in Ontario and charge them for it. This extra money can go towards paying for more social housing
4. Rent Freeze and a Law For All Landlords to Lower Your Rent by 30%
We need to immediately freeze any and all rent increases for at least the next 10 years. While Ontario landlords are raising rents like crazy, Tenant wages are not increasing!
5. End the So-Called “Own Use Clause” to Evict Tenants
This is a sneaky method to evict tenants. The NDP will kill this fast as landlords should know already if they need to move or not…duh! This is just a way they use to ruin our lives.
6. Landlords Must Follow The Rent Increase Guideline For New Tenants (Rent Control for New Tenants!)
This way we will stop rent “gouging” and control landlords who are making millions of dollars from hard working tenants..
Premier Doug Ford Will Be A Disaster For Tenants and a Gift For Landlords — RATING F
We must vote strategically to get this Trump/Harris clone from becoming our leader. He is a gift for landlords.
Premier Doug Ford will make landlords even richer!!!
1. Get Rid of the Foreign Buyer Tax
This will make property owners even richer! While we struggle to find affordable housing.
2. End Rent Control (Don’t Believe His Lies!)
Ford will allow landlords to raise the rent as much as the market will accept after a one year lease. This means tenants will be paying more and that’s not fair! Of course he says he won’t do it, but he is lying! Doug Ford will end rent control in Ontario!
3. Make Evictions Faster at the LTB
Tenants are vulnerable and it’s important that evictions are slow to give us the change to deal with our life issues. Now an eviction for non-payment of rent takes six months and this is a key way to protect tenants who simply cannot afford rent. Landlords will say they are out six months of rent but since they can afford an expensive “investment property” they surely can deal with six months or more of no rent.
4. Ford Will “Fix” the Ontario Landlord and Tenant Board
While landlords whine and complain we know that the real issue with the landlord and tenant board is to protect tenants. Ford will only help landlords
5. Doug Ford Actually Says He “Respects” Landlords
This is the biggest issue we face. Landlords are parasites who are already wealthy and invest in properties just to catch more money. I guess they teach them this in their private schools. !
Ontario Tenants Ford Is Our Enemy and A Gift To Ontario Landlords Let’s make sure we vote strategically to keep this landlord-friendly “free market” person from gaining power.
Doug Ford Helps Landlords…and tenants must stop him!