Ontario Landlords Association


Tenants Speak Out & Share Their Concerns & Opinions on the Rental Industry

As part of our “Let’s Improve the Ontario Rental Industry” we have invited landlords and tenants to share their opinions on how we can make these improvements. These opinions are from individual contributors and are not the opinions of the Ontario Landlords Association. We believe by fostering communication between landlords and tenants we can improve the Ontario rental industry.

In These Difficult Economic Times With Precarious Employment and Lay Offs Many Good Tenants Can’t Pay the Rent On Time…But You Can’t Be Kicked Out!

“No baby, we won’t be homeless as Mummy looks for a new job”

We live in difficult times.  Good landlords are aware of this and will support this post as it’s just an informative way your tenants can keep renting your over-priced property.

Landlords need to remember that while you do no work to take our money, tenants must struggle and work every day to try to feed our families and pay you your pound of flesh.

Workers are being laid off or even fired in place of third world factories with no human rights.

Even in Toronto many workers are given a low severance and an evil “good bye” as companies seek cheaper labour as they outsource.

Tenants are victims of the “gig economy” unlike Baby Boomers and Generation X who had it so easy in an era of low costs and high wages and even idiots and high school drop outs could get high paying jobs.

They put their businesses in places where workers are treated like slaves. Workers are whipped, chained, raped and beaten…all to make sure that new iPhone gets built for a low cost.

Landlords have a social responsibility

Good Landlords Will Understand Late or Not Payment of Rent And Agree For Delays

Tenants are struggling.

Smart landlords will have some empathy and understand if you can’t pay rent on time. They will give you a break and let you have a month or two of late rent, or even free rent for a few months.

Why Will They Give You A Break? 

Because the costs and risks of renting to new tenants is huge.  They might get a game player who never pay. Or get a nasty tenant who will damage their unit or upset others (including other condo owners). They should give you a break…but….

Landlords hate Tenants who know the rules!

If You Don’t Pay On The First Will You Be Kicked Out?


There is a legal process landlords must follow. If you don’t pay rent you will have months of rent free living and the opportunity to pay (and stay in your home) after many, many months!

I Didn’t Know That! What Is the Process? 

Landlords will file what is called an N4 to tell you to pay rent or they can try to evict you

The N4 is pure intimidation, you don’t have to move! LLs use this paper work to intimidate & threaten.

So If I Don’t Pay I Will Get Kicked Out?


So What Happens If I Don’t Pay On The First Of The Month?

The N4 gives you two weeks to pay. You don’t have to pay the rent on the 1st of the month!

The landlord needs to then apply for a “court date” at the Landlord and Tenant Board.

These dates are between 6 to 18 months. That means you have a breather for a long time! 

In These Crazy Economic Times You Deserve a Break At Your Landlords Profits Expense!

Nothing can happen until you go to “court” at the Landlord and Tenant Board.

What Happens In The Period of Not Paying And the Hearing Date?


You don’t have to pay a cent. And your landlord can’t harass you.

If they do you can call the government Bad Landlord Police and get the landlord fined and even criminally charged!

You can also call the police.

So I Can Not Pay For Many Months and Still Stay In My Rental?


It’s not “your rental” it’s “your home”.

The landlord will have to wait for months to get a “court date” at the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB).

What If I Want To Stay, Should I Pay All Rent Before the LTB Hearing?

No. Don’t be foolish.  This is a “business negotiation”.

Go to the Hearing. You are the victim and your landlord is getting rich thanks to your suffering and poverty!  LTB judges know this!

The LTB has a room where tenants and landlords can “work things out” called mediation.

You can agree to pay the rent owed, but why not negotiate?  Say you will pay 50% to avoid a “trial” at the LTB.

Many landlords will be happy to get the money and avoid the stress of going in front of an LTB adjudicator.

Landlords are scared of trials where they will be held accountable for their crimes.

How Can I Prepare For the LTB Hearing?

The best defense is a good offense. Take a look around your home.

Do you see any maintenance issues?

Remember: no house is perfect so for sure you can find something.  Mold, stairs not up to code, fridge is not super cold, etc, etc. etc. 

Do I Have To Tell My Landlord About These Problems Before the Trial?


Don’t tell them.

Bring them up at the LTB hearing and SHOCK your landlord.

This will immediately lead the adjudicator to cancel your hearing and book another one so the landlord can fix the things you brought up (hint: bring up a lot of stuff!)

You get another 3 – 6 months of rent free living. You need this help you SURVIVE in this crazy property owner controlled brutal capitalist world!

Landlords call this “trial by ambush” but it’s just part of the legal system to protect good tenants. And it will give you months of more free rent.

This is the best way for poor working class tenants to fight their rich “villa in Paris” or “apartments in China or Iran”.

More Help For Tenants

Remember you can get free legal help (and your landlord doesn’t and has to pay thousands).

Yes, it’s free!  And it will lead your landlord to have to pay for legal representation and while you get if free they will be charged $150 to $400+ per hour!

You can bleed your landlord dry as they can’t afford these rates.  You pay nothing and they have to pay $300/hour and you can bankrupt them, as many tenants have done (not reported but we all know the score).

So I Don’t Need To Pay For Months And Can Still Live In My Rental Home?


The whole process will take at least 6 to 8+ months (you can live rent free). 

You Can Also Appeal

After 6-8 months to a year of living rent free, and using this money to pay for university and better food for your kids you still have option.

Tenants Waking Up And Fighting For Our Rights

If you can’t pay rent don’t be intimidated. You have a system that protects you and you can even not pay and stay in your home for months (or years).

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