Archive for the ‘Landlord and Tenant Board Appeal’ Category

An Ontario Landlord Story Part 4 “What About Rights For The Landlord?”

Thursday, July 25th, 2013

July 26th, 2013

Ontario Landlord Naive Landlord and tenant board

The Bureaucracy and Injustice for Small Landlords Keeps Getting Worse and Worse

As explained in Part 3, I did complain to the Vice Chair about the fact that apparently the adjudicator had amended the order in discussion with the tenants and in our absence

– the response I received avoided addressing this and instead apologized for the difficulties I experienced with scheduling our hearing. 

I also filed an appeal – which was, of course, scheduled for a Thursday – so much for the apology.

When I requested that this be rescheduled or postponed until the end of the semester so as not to inconvenience the more than 80 students I teach on Thursdays, the request was denied.

A second fax requesting that our issue then be heard during my break received no response at all, so I was again forced to inconvenience my students and risk my employment for this nonsense. 

And the adjudicator who heard the appeal insisted that I should have addressed the issue of his tenancy at the initial hearing (although how I could be expected to know it was an issue when it was not discussed, or mentioned during the adjudicator’s ruling is beyond me) and refused to amend the order, although she did acknowledge that he did, in fact, reside in the unit, contrary to his testimony. 

Because I had failed to get him to sign a rental agreement for the main unit, she stated that she would deem him an occupant rather than a tenant, in any case. Occupants get to live for free in Ontario, apparently… but then, so do tenants.

During the time following the hearing and until they moved on 15-Feb (without actually waiting for the Sheriff, who finally deigned to show up on the 26th) they continued to cause a great deal of damage to the property.

They also seriously slandered my husband – the only issue that the police actually supported us with, ordering that they cease and desist or risk being charged. 

And they also found a way to more than double the hydro bill, opening all the windows but maintaining the house at 85C or higher with electric heaters and fans plugged into every socket.

And of course, when they left, they made sure to lock us out, since we still did not have a key to the front door (and they nailed the others shut).

To Be Continued…