Ontario Landlords Association


Are You On Welfare Or Disability?? Do You Have Kids? Do You Have A Disability? Are You A Canadian Citizen? Are You An Alcoholic Or Do Drugs? What Is Your Religion?

All Illegal Under the Ontario Human Rights Code & You Can File A Complaint


Lots Of Reasons Any Tenant Getting This Application Should File A Human Rights Complaint (And Win A Large Judgement)

Many tenants are unaware of our rights when it comes to finding an apartment.

And why shouldn’t we be? After all finding a new place to call home can be one of the most stressful things anyone can ever do.

Low Vacancy Rates Give Landlords All the Power

Because of the rise of AirBnb lots of rentals are off the market for long term great tenants who want to find a place to put down roots, grow our careers, and raise our families.

With the pro-landlord governments not enforcing the laws against these type of short term rentals, things have never been worse for tenants.

Landlords Are Getting Away With Illegal Human Rights Abuses All Over Ontario!

A recent story by CBC news shined a light on what landlords in Waterloo are getting away with.

You could say they are getting away with murder because not being able to find a home leads to suicides and many physical and mental problems for people just trying to survive.

What Questions Are Illegal?

Here are some of the questions that need to lead to a Human Rights Complaint (and a punishment of the illegal landlord)

-Are You On Welfare or Disability?

-Do You Have Kids?

-Do You Have A Disability?

-Are You A Canadian Citizen?

-Are You An Alcoholic?

-Do You Do Drugs?

-What Is Your Religion?

And even more!  See what the these bad landlords can and cannot do HERE.

What Can I Do If I Face These Illegal Landlord Questions?

You can file a Human Rights Complaint and based on my research as long as you file you will win.

You see, if they agree to take your case it means you will win and beat the landlord.  And the landlord will be required to pay you money (and worse).

Contacts To Help You Get The Justice You Deserve In a Law-Abiding Nation Like Canada

If you need human rights legal advice or help filing an application with the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario, contact the Ontario Human Rights Legal Support Centre at: 416-597-4900 or 1-866-625-5179 and speak with a Human Rights Advisor.

To file an application directly with the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario, visit their website and follow the instructions for How to file an application.

In This Era of Low Vacancy Rates And Gov’t Cuts Tenants Must Take Action!

Canada is a country known for following the rule of law. Yet many people (especially newcomers to Canada) are unaware that many landlords (and employers) want to trick and intimidate people into accepting a lawless “Mad Max” type of state.

1. Landlords Refusing Tenants On Welfare Is Common…and Illegal!

I hear this all the time. They base your application on source of income, which is ILLEGAL. File a complaint if you are on Ontario Works or ODSP.

File a Human Rights complaint.

2. Landlords Refusing Tenants Due To Lack of Citizenship Is Common…and Illegal!

Oh you are new here so you are not a real human being?

File a Human Rights complaint.

In Canada You Have Rights! But You Need To Fight For Them!

It’s up to you to make sure you use the fair system to demand your rights and punish these local Canadians who want to scare you, trick you, intimidate you, and abuse you and your family.

Make Sure Canadian Laws Are Followed By Law-Breakers: File A Human Rights Complaint!

You have rights but only if you take action.

Many newcomers to Canada are not aware that the laws are not “automatically” happening…you need to speak up and be aggressive to Defend Your Rights.

Speak up, be aggressive and make sure your legal rights are protected and you get the money you deserve from illegal criminal landlords.

Insider Info: I spoke with a lawyer who is often at the Human Rights Commission Tribunal  (OHRC)

She explained if your complaint is accepted (and you can demand it be accepted by NOT BACKING DOWN) tenants will often not only win, but win a large monetary judgement against the landlord who has to try to defend themselves.

While the Landlord and Tenant Board is understaffed and often can’t attract the best people due to low salaries and bureaucracy, the OHRC is run by educated professionals who know how important their job is.

Fellow Tenants You Have Nothing To Fear And Nothing To Lose AND EVERYTHING TO GAIN FIGHTING FOR YOUR RIGHTS!


Take a look at some cases where Tenants upheld their rights, took the landlord to the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal and won HERE.

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