Ontario Landlords Association

Ontario Landlord News: Do renters need insurance?

The Ontario Landlords Association recommends it!

August 11, 2011



The Toronto Stars Moneyville.ca article asks: should renters get insurance? 

It’s clear many renters feel content insurance is not only low on their list of priorities, it’s something many think they can do without.

In fact, according to the Insurance Bureau of Canada, about half of all renters don’t even have insurance, especially young people

April Stewart of Landlord Legal says tenants can be evicted for not having insurance.  However, depending on who the adjudicator is, as there is little consistency in decisions.

Stuart Henderson of the Ontario Landlords Association for small business landlords says many landlords educate tenants about the benefits of content insurance.

Henderson insists it’s a good investment at a low cost. Premiums are typically based on the value of the contents.  They can range from $100 to $500 per year.

Read the Toronto Stars Moneyville article here

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