TO: Landlord and Tenant Board Stakeholders
FROM: Dawn Sullivan, Acting Associate Chair
Lindiwe Bridgewater, Acting Registrar
DATE: August 3, 2022
RE: Tribunals Ontario Portal - Update
We are writing to share an update on the Tribunals Ontario Portal.
New process for receiving documents
Over the past two years, the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) has made significant progress in modernizing its services at a time where people expect user-friendly and convenient electronic options for interacting with government services.
To that end, we have added a button to the file summary page of the Tribunals Ontario Portal that allows parties to provide consent to receive documents from the LTB via the portal. By default, once a party logs into the portal the button is checked to indicate their consent. A user can uncheck the box if they want to receive communication from the LTB via regular mail. A user can also change their mind at any time about how they want to receive documents from the LTB by logging back into the portal and checking/unchecking the consent button.
If a user never logs on to the portal, they will continue to receive all correspondence from the LTB by regular mail.
Sending all correspondence by email and through the portal has benefits for both the LTB and the parties accessing LTB services. Parties will receive documents faster. The administrative burden is also reduced for LTB staff who track, print and mail out documents. This will allow them to focus on other areas that need attention to improve our service delivery.
We thank you for your continued patience as we actively work to improve our service timelines.
Dawn Sullivan Lindiwe Bridgewater
Acting Associate Chair Acting Registrar
Ontario LTB - Tribunals Ontario Portal - Update
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