Tenants Get Free Legal Help To Beat Your Landlord Down To A Pulp (Thanks to Justin Trudeau!)

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The Tenant Justice Project
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Re: Tenants Get Free Legal Help To Beat Your Landlord Down To A Pulp (Thanks to Justin Trudeau!)

#5 Unread post by The Tenant Justice Project » October 3rd, 2019, 10:12 pm

Victim wrote:
October 2nd, 2019, 12:43 am
Wow I didn't know Justin is just like us!

Get free legal aid: https://legalaid.on.ca/en/
More specifically tenants can get help here:
Tenant duty counsel

At most Ontario Rental Housing Tribunal locations, tenant duty counsel are available to:

advise about legal rights, obligations and the tribunal process
review and help prepare court documents
help with mediation, negotiation and representation in certain matters
provide public legal education and referrals for other services
https://legalaid.on.ca/en/getting/helpi ... rtroom.asp

These are the legal reps at the LTB tribunals. They will help every tenant, no matter what your financial status. :)

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Re: Tenants Get Free Legal Help To Beat Your Landlord Down To A Pulp (Thanks to Justin Trudeau!)

#6 Unread post by evicted » October 4th, 2019, 12:24 am

Yes, this is called FAIRNESS.

You go to the Landlord and Tenant Board and despite the politically correct bullsh*t on the website ALL TENANTS RICH AND POOR GET FREE LEGAL HELP!

There is no income check or anything like that. TDC will just help you immediately and intimidate the adjudicator to help you win, because they can make an official complaint from their legal clinic against a pro-landlord biased scumbag adjudicator and make sure their contract isn't renewed.

This is good because we are all equal and no one is better than others.

All tenants are a group, we are all exploited and cheated by landlords who are parasites and don't contribute to society.

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Re: Tenants Get Free Legal Help To Beat Your Landlord Down To A Pulp (Thanks to Justin Trudeau!)

#7 Unread post by dntfckwitme » October 5th, 2019, 11:52 pm

Yeah saw the tenant legal reps at my last LTB hearing. Before everything started they announced tenants can get free help and to come into the hallway. Just tell them a brief bit and they will even sit with you and they will do all the talking for you! I got the eviction rejected because i didn't pay because there was mold in the bathroom. I didn't even have to talk and my expert representative did it all and the landlord was shocked and didn't stand a chance :lol:

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Re: Tenants Get Free Legal Help To Beat Your Landlord Down To A Pulp (Thanks to Justin Trudeau!)

#8 Unread post by AngryRenter » October 6th, 2019, 12:45 am

Yes, when you go to your hearing they will give a call out and no matter who you are they will take over your case 100% and you just sit back and let your experienced FREE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO WIN FOR YOU.

It's called using the system win against your money sucking landlord.

So easy............

I didn't even say a word at the Hearing and my free legal TDC did it all for me. WIN!


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