Congrats Oshawa! A New Demerit Point System For Landlords

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Mr Fair
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Congrats Oshawa! A New Demerit Point System For Landlords

#1 Unread post by Mr Fair » November 28th, 2012, 3:20 pm

Thoughts and Common Sense on the Tenant/Landlord Industry

My 'fans' here know I like to put the spotlight on the shoddy maintenance of most rental housing in Ontario. It's been clearly shown landlords simply won't do the necessary work voluntarily. So what's the solution?

Congratulations for the City of Oshawa for showing us the way - A new demerit point system for landlords.

If a property accrues seven demerit points, the licensee will receive a warning letter. If a property reaches 15 points a hearings officer, who could choose to revoke that license for a year or more, will review the license.

Properties are docked demerit points for infractions like unauthorized parking, noise and operating without a license. Violations are confirmed when the period for "appealing against a conviction in the Ontario Court of Justice" expires or when an administrative penalty or order are confirmed. Any legal appeal made by licensees would be made under the municipal act, says City Solicitor David Potts.

The demerit points stay on a property's record for two years.

This could be the first domino starting a province-wide trend. Let's keep our fingers crossed so finally we can get landlords to maintain our homes.

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Re: Congrats Oshawa! A New Demerit Point System For Landlord

#2 Unread post by JanetS » November 28th, 2012, 3:27 pm

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