“Ontario Tenants Can Now Easily Break A Lease...JUST DON'T PAY RENT AND LEAVE IN 14 DAYS!"

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Re: “Ontario Tenants Can Now Easily Break A Lease...JUST DON'T PAY RENT AND LEAVE IN 14 DAYS!"

#13 Unread post by Sneaky » November 22nd, 2018, 10:51 pm

Get the message out.

This is freeing tenants from abusive landlords.

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Barrie Renter
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Re: “Ontario Tenants Can Now Easily Break A Lease...JUST DON'T PAY RENT AND LEAVE IN 14 DAYS!"

#14 Unread post by Barrie Renter » December 1st, 2018, 3:02 pm

I like the fact we can leave AT ANY TIME!

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Re: “Ontario Tenants Can Now Easily Break A Lease...JUST DON'T PAY RENT AND LEAVE IN 14 DAYS!"

#15 Unread post by evicted » December 20th, 2018, 10:02 pm

Barrie Renter wrote:
December 1st, 2018, 3:02 pm
I like the fact we can leave AT ANY TIME!


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Re: “Ontario Tenants Can Now Easily Break A Lease…And This Is A Good Thing!”

#16 Unread post by Robin » February 8th, 2019, 10:50 pm

cassandra wrote:
September 20th, 2018, 11:48 pm
Sneaky wrote:
August 30th, 2018, 10:30 pm
Robin wrote:
August 19th, 2018, 9:08 pm
Look at the Rental Fairness Act of 2017 which was a good start to helping Tenants:

RTA amendment (to s. 134) prohibits a landlord from collecting or attempting to collect from a former tenant of a rental unit any amount of money "purporting to be rent" with respect to any period after the tenancy has terminated and the tenant has vacated the rental unit. In situations where a tenant wishes to “break” a fixed-term lease, a usual tactic is deliberate non-payment of rent or to hold a "lease-breaking party," in order to receive an eviction notice from the landlord. The eviction notice requires the tenant to vacate the unit within a matter of weeks, and if the tenant does so, the tenancy is terminated.

Prior to the RTA amendments, it was common for landlords to demand or formally claim any lost rent pending re-rental of the unit as “damages” for the tenant’s deliberate breach of contract. Now, such a claim is prohibited, and where a landlord makes demand for same, the landlord is also exposed to substantial fines.

Want to move, don't pay rent.

However, make sure you get the legal N4 document and do not simply not pay rent and leave.
This is really helpful, but the landlords must hate it.
The message is reaching every Tenant in Ontario! Keep it spreading the real news on Tenant legal rights!

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